5 Things Every Girl Needs to Know Before Getting Into a Relationship

It's high time for you to start doing #4.

21 March, 2018
5 Things Every Girl Needs to Know Before Getting Into a Relationship

Teenagers, you may fool yourself into believing that you are mature enough to be in a healthy, physically active relationship. But eventually you may fall prey to frequent break ups, depression, teen pregnancies and what not.

But obviously, not all of them have to end in despair and dread. Dating is like a road with two open ends. You either lose interest and you break up, or you stumble upon the idea of 'love' and get married .

In a world where every girl grows up, reading about princesses and 'happily ever afters', we don't blame you for wanting your fairy tale ending. But not every guy can be your Prince Charming.

To avoid, going through heart-breaks, and false promises, we've compiled a list of things you NEED to remember, before jumping into the relationship bandwagon.


There's a thin line between a clingy girlfriend, and a loving one. There's no point in following him around EVERYWHERE, know where to draw the line.

STOP focusing too much on what he's doing when he's away from you. You have to accept the fact that his life doesn't revolve around you.

It's cute to want attention sometimes, but being too demanding is a total turn off. Why don't you just grab a book, make yourself a bath, and have some 'you' time.

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You can't be 'drowned in the moment' forever, you have to come up to the surface for air!

HERE'S a reality check- RELATIONSHIPS ARE NOT ALL MUSHY, and LOVEY DOVEY . Fights and arguments come as a by product .

Let him look at you as the problem "solver" instead of the "maker".

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Do you find yourself getting nagging feelings of jealousy when your partner is talking to other girls? . Remember if he wanted to cheat on you, he would've done it already ! Your boyfriend loves you for who you are. Meeting one new sexy girl won't make him think less of you.

Remember, you don't own him. Don't tell him to stop talking to someone just because you don't like them. YOU are his girlfriend and NOT his f*cking mom .

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4. LEARN TO SAY NO, Set your own boundaries!.

Face it, some guys think from their d*ck, instead of their brain.

As far as sex is concerned, we're sure you wouldn't mind exploring and 'taking the leap', but everything has its right time.

Face it or not, guys don't always enjoy 'easy', or 'fast' girls. Saying yes all the time when you don't really mean it can actually backfire and damage your relationship.

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Your guy will have a hard time loving you, if you can't love yourself first. It's okay to be selfish at times.

It's a turn-off to see girls disrespecting themselves, finding faults with the smallest of their body-parts. You're beautiful, so own it!

And never-ever be his punching bag, it's not okay if he calls you names, or gives you sh*t. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

Lastly … We're all for women empowerment, comfort in ones own skin , but sometimes the guy likes to know that you're willing to put in an effort for him. Swap your sweatpants for a cute little summer dress, once in a blue moon, to keep his interest intact.

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