6 Things You Can Do to Make This Weekend, the Most Productive Weekend Ever

Get your act together and WIN AT LIFE this upcoming week!

21 March, 2018
6 Things You Can Do to Make This Weekend, the Most Productive Weekend Ever

1] Re-Arrange Your Closet

Spending a day or two organising your wardrobe--either by colour and style, or simply throwing out the things you don't need--will leave you feeling lighter and in control. While you're at, decide exactly what you'll wear to work the coming week, so your work-day mornings are stress free.

2] Start a New Book

Use this weekend to boost your skills. Pick a self-help book on productivity or networking skills or anything you'd like to improve on. Then consciously apply what you've learned in the new week.

3] Go On a 2- Day Detox​ Diet

You might have been drinking coffee and eating comfort/processed food in a hurry every morning, so it's time to reverse the damage. Use this weekend to go on a juice cleanse, or simply vow to eat only healthy food for 48 hours.

4] Back Up Your Devices

No matter how much you love your gadgets, they'll never love you back in the same way. Backing up your laptop and phone ever so often ensures that you don't lose data when gadgets gets technology stabs you in the back.

5] ​Update Your Playlist ​With New Songs

Music is the ultimate escape! Get all the amazing songs out there and listen to them on your way to work; it'll energise you and put you in a good Monday morning mood.

6] Draft Out Important Emails

A great way to be ahead of your week's schedule? Decide to draft any 5 important emails over the weekend. Save them and send them first thing on Monday morning and you'll begin your week on a productive note.
