So Jennifer Lawrence Sang Live In Front Of An Audience and It Was MAGICAL

Also find out which movie role she auditioned for via Skype. Modern.

21 March, 2018
So Jennifer Lawrence Sang Live In Front Of An Audience and It Was MAGICAL

​Anyone who knows anything about Jennifer Lawrence will be familiar with the fact that she hates to sing in public. Talking to David Letterman last year, she revealed that it's her biggest fear, and she even cried on set the day she had to sing in ​Mockingjay: Part 1

"[I had to sing] The Hanging Tree, which is where I felt like going," she said, adding that she sounds like a "tone deaf Amy Winehouse". Oh, she's good to herself, isn't she.

So you can imagine our surprise when last night, at a special screening of her new film, ​​Joy​, (which is actually unmissable, by the way) she burst into song with the film's writer and director David O. Russell as the pair were introducing the film to the audience. And it was an absolute JOY (excuse the pun).

Turning to face one another, the actress and director sung that old Nicole Kidman and Robbie Williams classic (okay, it was Frank Sinatra's, originally), ​Something Stupid. ​The significance of the song becomes clear when you watch the film (which you MUST) but you can enjoy the pair's rendition regardless...

[youtube ]" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="">

During the brief Q&A with presenter Edith Bowman before the film screening, David O. Russell - who also directed ​Silver Linings Playbook​ - revealed that J-Law snagged the role for the 2012 film alongside Bradley Cooper after auditioning on ​Skype. ​What a modern world we live in.

Needless to say, Russell added that there was no auditioning for the role of ​Joy​, which tells the story of the powerful woman, Joy Mangano, who fought her way to the top of the business world with guts and strength in the face of adversity every step of the way.

[youtube ]" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="">

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Credit: Cosmopolitan