This One Korean Beauty Hack Can Help Solve All Your Skin and Hair Problems

The best part? It's sitting right there, in your kitchen. 

24 July, 2018
This One Korean Beauty Hack Can Help Solve All Your Skin and Hair Problems


If you’re anything like us, you’re always on the lookout for the next big skincare recipe that will give your skin that extra boost, and take it one step closer to flawless. Korean beauty is currently ruling the roost, with it’s simple yet super effective beauty routines and techniques. And even though it may seem like just a trend, Korean beauty has a lot to offer. And it’s latest offering is actually an age-old secret — rice water.

Korean Beauty

That’s right, the one ingredient we all saw growing up in Indian households, actually holds the key to smooth, naturally glowing skin. Wondering how it works? Here’s the low down:

1. Cleanser of the Gods

Rice water is one of the best natural cleansers out there. It totally cleans your skin and leaves it feeling soft and smooth. You also don’t have to deal with greasiness or dryness, as it makes your skin supple and hydrated.

2. Soothes the Soul

If you tend to suffer from inflamed, dry, itchy skin, rice water will calm your skin. With regular use, you can reduce redness and inflammation, and generally feel good about your facial skin. It also works wonders for sunburnt skin.

3. Destroyer of Acne and Rashes

Rice water is a great tool for dealing with acne-prone skin. It not only soothes the skin, but also keeps it matt by acting as an astringent, so that excess oil doesn’t prompt breakouts. Add to that, rashes and eczema can also be controlled by washing with this magical water. In fact, a 2002 study conducted by a Belgian university, found that when people who suffered from atopic dermatitis bathed with rice water twice a day, their condition had drastically improved.

4. Hair Fodder

Rinsing your hair with rice water will transform your mane for the better. After you shampoo your hair, gently rinse your hair and scalp with rice water, and then rinse with plain water. This will not only act as a great conditioner, but will also help keep your scalp clean. A 2010 study showed that following this practice once a week, showed multiple benefits of using rice water on your hair. These included an improved elasticity in the hair (meaning, it’s more bouncy), and reduced surface friction.

Rice Water

So, now that you know how well this simple ingredient can basically take care of all your skin and hair problems, how do you make it?

Turns out, it’s as easy as 1-2-3. Simply take a two cups of rice and pour water over it till it is an inch or so over the rice. Soak for 30 minutes, and you will see that all the starch, minerals, and nutrients have seeped through and made the water opaque. This is your rice water, that you can store in a glass jar for a week in the fridge.

Use it twice a day on your face, dabbing it on with a cotton ball and letting it dry on your face. Use once a week on your hair for shiny, bouncy locks. And don’t forget to thank us, later!
