Which Beyoncé Video Are You According to Your Sign?

Everyone needs to channel their inner Beyoncé sometimes.

21 March, 2018
Which Beyoncé Video Are You According to Your Sign?

Everyone needs to channel their inner Beyoncé sometimes.

Taurus: "Halo"

Sweet, sensual romance — ahhh. That's something a traditional Taurus will happily embrace, much like the fresh-faced Halo Beyoncé. And if it comes with a suit-and-tie S.O. who will get all domestic and snuggle up to read the paper in bed, all the better.

1Taurus: "Halo"

Sweet, sensual romance — ahhh. That's something a traditional Taurus will happily embrace, much like the fresh-faced Halo Beyoncé. And if it comes with a suit-and-tie S.O. who will get all domestic and snuggle up to read the paper in bed, all the better.
