5 Yoga Poses to Relieve Stress And Workout Your Mind

From improving your health to getting fitter, yoga has many benefits. Celebrity yoga expert Grand Master Akshar shares some poses that will heal your mind if you are feeling stressed and depressed. 

02 July, 2020
5 Yoga Poses to Relieve Stress And Workout Your Mind

From improving your health to getting fitter, yoga has many benefits. Celebrity yoga expert Grand Master Akshar shares some poses that will heal your mind if you are feeling stressed and depressed. 

Sukhasana – Happy Pose · Sit in an upright position with both legs stretched out in Dandasana · Fold the left leg and tuck it inside the right thigh · Then fold the right leg and tuck it inside the left thigh · Place your palms on the knees · Sit erect with spine straight
11_sukhasana.jpegSukhasana – Happy Pose · Sit in an upright position with both legs stretched out in Dandasana · Fold the left leg and tuck it inside the right thigh · Then fold the right leg and tuck it inside the left thigh · Place your palms on the knees · Sit erect with spine straight
Dandasana · Start in a seated position and stretch your legs out forward. · Join your legs bringing your heels together · Keep your back straight · Tighten the muscles of your pelvis, thighs and calves · Look ahead · Place your palms beside your hips on the floor to support your spine · Relax your shoulders · Hold this asana for 30 seconds
22_dandasana.jpgDandasana · Start in a seated position and stretch your legs out forward. · Join your legs bringing your heels together · Keep your back straight · Tighten the muscles of your pelvis, thighs and calves · Look ahead · Place your palms beside your hips on the floor to support your spine · Relax your shoulders · Hold this asana for 30 seconds
Naukasana · Lie down on your back. · Bring your upper body 45° off the floor. · Pivot your body weight on your hips and lift your legs 45° off the floor. · Your toes must be aligned with your eyes · Try to prevent a bend in the knees. · Keep your arms parallel to the ground and pointing forward. · Tighten your abdominal muscles. · Straighten your back.
37_naukasana.jpgNaukasana · Lie down on your back. · Bring your upper body 45° off the floor. · Pivot your body weight on your hips and lift your legs 45° off the floor. · Your toes must be aligned with your eyes · Try to prevent a bend in the knees. · Keep your arms parallel to the ground and pointing forward. · Tighten your abdominal muscles. · Straighten your back.
Santolanasana · Lie on your stomach · Place your palms under your shoulders and lift your upper body, pelvis and knees up · Grip the floor with your toes · Straighten the knees · Ensure that your knees, pelvis and spine are aligned · Your wrists must be exactly below your shoulders with your arms straight · Hold the final posture for a while
48_santholanasana.jpgSantolanasana · Lie on your stomach · Place your palms under your shoulders and lift your upper body, pelvis and knees up · Grip the floor with your toes · Straighten the knees · Ensure that your knees, pelvis and spine are aligned · Your wrists must be exactly below your shoulders with your arms straight · Hold the final posture for a while
Padahasthasana · Begin by standing in Samasthithi · Exhale and gently bend your upper body down from the hips and touch your nose to your knees · Place palms on either side of feet · As a beginner, you may have to bend your knees slightly to accomplish this. · With practice, slowly straighten your knees and try to touch your chest to your thigh
55_padahasthasana.jpgPadahasthasana · Begin by standing in Samasthithi · Exhale and gently bend your upper body down from the hips and touch your nose to your knees · Place palms on either side of feet · As a beginner, you may have to bend your knees slightly to accomplish this. · With practice, slowly straighten your knees and try to touch your chest to your thigh