This Dog's Journey from a Puppy to a Guide Dog Will Make Your Day

If you're a dog lover, you can't miss this

21 March, 2018
This Dog's Journey from a Puppy to a Guide Dog Will Make Your Day

Dog are adorable, no question, and there are countless stories of their wonderful companionship with humans. IBM's latest ad about a pup 'Jackson' weaves a tale along similar notes, and is bound to leave you a little emotional.

The video revolves around Jackson's journey, from his very first day in this world --opening his eyes, playing, being adopted, training intensively, and finally, becoming a guide dog. And the best part, almost everything in the video is filmed from the dog's eye view. So, basically in one word, the ad is beautiful...

Watch it right away and in case you're a dog lover- do keep a tissue box handy...

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