5 Things You Can Do to Get Over Your Ex


We agree it isn’t easy to snap out of a breakup but these tipswould help you move on faster so listen up!

Video Credit: Mayur

Writing is therapeutic. If we want to get rid of those thoughts in your mind, put them on paper. It will help ease your mind.

Write it all down

You need to be kind to yourself. TLC. Book that spa session, take a holiday, or get a makeover.

Indulge in self care

Throw away the things that bring back their memories. It's essential to consciously distance yourself from all kind of triggers that generate thoughts about him.

Get rid of things that remind you of him

Exercise, go for a run or a walk, meditate, do some yoga. Workouts can release the happy hormones that will perk up your mood.

Work out regularly

Pick up a new hobby, it works! You need to use all that pent up energy to create something. The process of creation can be quite healing.

Stay busy