5 Unconventional Exercises Your Butt Will Thank You For

cutie with a booty!

21 March, 2018
5 Unconventional Exercises Your Butt Will Thank You For

Unless you are one of the Kardashians, you understand the struggle of maintaining a semi-plump boo-tay is so real. We have to spend hours at the gym doing our squats, donkey kicks, leg lifts, yet the results are...minimum! #whyyyy

Luckily, we have found some unconventional exercises that are sure to give you the bootylicious results you are looking for, FAST! Check them out and go get your beach bum on! 

1) Glute bridges

Source: Women's heath and fitness

2) Barbell hip thrust

Source: Shape

3) Single leg lip raise

Source: Women's health mag

4) Plank leg lifts

via Pop Sugar

5) Stability ball wall sit

via Huffington Post
