Place Your Bets: Katniss and Hermione Are Going to Have a Rap Battle

Here is your first look at the next installment of Whitney Avalon's Princess Rap Battle series.

21 March, 2018
Place Your Bets: Katniss and Hermione Are Going to Have a Rap Battle

Whitney Avalon is back with a new Princess Rap Battle! After hinting last month on Twitter that she'd read 10 books and watched 11 movies for research, Avalon reveals to that the sixth installment of the YouTube series is to feature the PRB creator as Katniss Everdeen and Castle's Molly Quinn as Hermione Granger. The latest rap battle, out later this month, comes after June's showdown between Maleficent and Daenerys Targaryen.​

So in one corner, you have a symbol of a revolution who knows how to handle a bow and do a mean braid, and in the other corner, you have an extremely clever and stalwart witch who has exceptional magical powers and helped take down He Who Shall Not Be Named. Can we just declare both of them winners now?

​Follow Heeseung on Twitter.

Credit: Cosmopolitan