7 Ways To Get What You Want In Life

We've come up with 7 essential steps to ensuring the best chance of success in life...

21 March, 2018
7 Ways To Get What You Want In Life

1. Look for the bigger picture

Work out where you want to be and the steps you need to take to get there before you do anything else. Having a plan will help keep your goals clear in your mind and keep you from any distractions.

2. Make friends wherever you go

Make a name for yourself, get to know people and ALWAYS be friendly and approachable.

You never know when you might need to pull in a favour and having a great network of contacts could help you in so many ways. Obviously you don't want to start viewing people as a means to help you reach your goal, but networking in an honest way and respectable way could make all the difference to your future.

3. Go the extra mile

The harder you try, the more likely you are to achieve. If it means putting in more hours at the beginning so by the end you barely need to lift a finger, that's worth it. Take on extra projects at work if you want a promotion and study in your spare time if you want to change career.

4. Recognise your obstacles

The path to getting what you want never did run smooth – but as long as you figure out what is going to get in your way and why, before it actually does, you can work out a plan to get over the obstacles and move forward.

Obviously you won't be able to predict every problem, but they will seem so much easier to handle if you've not got 10 other issues needing to solve, too.

5. Prepare yourself to make hard decisions

Sometimes you might have to make a difficult decision but if in the grand scheme of things it leads you to the right place, then it's totally worth it. Outside of breaking the law, obvs.

6. Never give up

You basically need to be like one of those X Factor contestants that just refuses to leave the stage until Simon Cowell gives in and puts them through to bootcamp. That's your goooal.

There's a reason that 'perseverance is the key to success' is a well-known saying, and that's because it's true. So if someone tells you no? Just try, try again until all you can hear is the word 'yes'.

7. Believe in yourself

SO cheesy but SO true. Ultimately, you are the one that is going to make things happen – so you need to believe that you can do it.

Confidence in yourself can only improve your chances of success. Preach.

Credit: Cosmopolitan