This Terrifying Video Shows a Lion Hunting a Little Boy at a Zoo

Simba, no!

21 March, 2018
This Video of a Lion Leaping Toward a Little Boy at a Zoo Is Absolutely Terrifying

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This video is going viral after it captured the moment that a lion leapt toward a little boy at a Japanese zoo, presumably with the intention of making the kid his next meal. In the 55-second clip, you can see the lion target his prey (that bright yellow windbreaker does make him an obvious target), then get into position for a pounce. 

As soon as the little boy turns his back, the lion leaps towards him, face-planting against the glass barrier. While the end result is comedic, it's also a terrifying reminder of the animal's raw power and, in this instance, hunger for a pint-size snack.

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Credit: Cosmopolitan