What 18 Moms Are Still Cringing About From Their Pregnancies

"Full-on ... no reserves ... puddle on the floor."

21 March, 2018
What 18 Moms Are Still Cringing About From Their Pregnancies

​Before you experience pregnancy for the first time, it's easy to get sucked up into lovely fantasies of perfectly round baby bumps, glowing pregnancy skin, luscious locks, and nine blissful months of dreaming of your future baby. But it never plays out exactly like that. Although you may occasionally feel sweet and glowy, there are also plenty of moments that are less than glamorous(understatement of the year). Cosmopolitan.com asked 18 women to share the mortifying side of growing a human. Here are their most embarrassing pregnancy moments. 

1. "I started laughing in the aisle at the grocery store and peed my pants ... full-on ... no reserves ... puddle on the floor. I left my husband there with a full cart and just walked out the door." ­—Amy, 34

2. "During my last pregnancy, I was at a California Pizza Kitchen, and I couldn't fit in the booth! They offered me a seat in the handicap section of the bar!" ­ —Kate, 28

3. "I can't even count the number of times I've forgotten people's names during this pregnancy. Recently, I ran into the vice president of the company where I work while I was out to dinner with my husband. We've had multiple conversations over the years, and there is zero excuse for me to not know his name, but it happened when I tried to introduce him to my husband, and it was so awkward. I wanted to cry. I mumbled something about pregnancy brain and tried to hurry off before it got any worse." —Meredith, 32

4. "While pregnant with my second, my husband asked me if my 'whale tail' (little hemorrhoid) was back ..." ­ —Tiffany, 30

5. "I sat down on the toilet to pee with my underwear still on. I wish I could say I knew something was awry immediately, but it wasn't until I went to wipe that I realized my error. Pregnancy brain is real." ­—Samantha, 33

6. "When I first got pregnant, I read one of those books, and there was a section about pets. It advised pregnant women to 'stay away from dog faces' as much as possible. So, I spent about eight months not petting my dog on the head or letting him come near me. He would come to try to get a treat, and I would throw it on the floor rather than put it in his mouth, because I was avoiding his face. When I looked back at that book toward the end of my pregnancy, I learned that it advised to stay away from dog feces​ ... not faces.​" —Rachel, 31 

7. "I dry-heaved in my boss' kitchen while he cooked eggs with garlic and butter­; the smell made me so nauseous. I hadn't told him I was pregnant yet, and he was standing there staring at me. He finally said, 'Uh, are you OK?' Mortified, I said, 'I just thought I was going to throw up for a second there.'" ­—Erika, 24

8. "Once when I was grocery shopping in my third trimester with a giant belly, I came out to see that some douchebag had parked as close as humanly possible next to my car. There was no way I was going to be able to get in on the driver's side, so I had to go around to the passenger side and climb over the seat with my gigantic belly while wearing this super-fitted dress. After some maneuvering and a lot of huffing and puffing, I finally settled into the driver's seat, only to look up and see some teenage boys waiting in the car next to mine laughing hysterically. I'm almost certain I flashed them as I climbed in. Completely mortifying." —Shannon, 28

9. "While in my third trimester, I was having sex with hubby. I couldn't find a comfortable position, so I tried me on top. I don't know what the hell happened, because next thing I know, I've got the urge to pee, and I just couldn't stop it from flowing out ... all over him. So embarrassing! I laughed ... and cried." ­—Sandy, 35

10. "My mother­-in-­law had to go buy me hemorrhoid wipes, because I was just so uncomfortable. I had them basically my entire second pregnancy right from the beginning, and one day I just couldn't stand it any longer." ­—Stephanie, 28

11. "When I was pregnant with my second baby, I was playing at a park with my 2-year-old. He asked me to go down the slide with him, but I ended up getting stuck halfway down. Another mom had to come help my son get down so I could shimmy myself out. Not my finest moment." Katrina, 29

12. "During my second pregnancy, I had extreme morning sickness. One day, I felt it as I was pulling up to my house, and I knew I wouldn't make it inside in time. Ran to the flower bed ... and simultaneously, peed my pants. As if that wasn't humbling enough, I turned to see an entire landscaping work crew of eight guys watching me from across the street. Wet pants and all." ­ —Karissa, 34

13. "Out of the blue during the third trimester, I leaked colostrum, and it was the weirdest/grossest thing ever. I ended up nursing for 17 months and loving it, but I was completely unprepared for my breasts to be leaking so early on that first time around!" —Kelly, 26

14. "At nine months pregnant, I literally could not fit in any pants I owned and had resorted to wearing my husband's sweats 24/7. One night while we were sitting on the couch watching TV, I dropped my phone and when I leaned over to pick it up, the sweats ripped right at the butt. The sound was audible. My husband thought it was hilarious, but I started bawling. I didn't even know it was possible to be too big for sweats!" —Kimberly, 34

15. "I once had such a ridiculous, pregnancy­ hormone-­induced meltdown in the car with my husband that I had to wipe my mascara tears with the only thing I had on hand: a scented mini-pad." ­ —Amanda, 28

16. "During an overnight shift at the hospital where I worked, I got sick. All over the hall on the way to the bathroom and all over the bathroom. One of my male coworkers was standing there and just said, 'You are a disgusting person,' in front of the rest of my coworkers. I get that it was gross, ­­but I was so embarrassed, I asked to go home for the night." ­—Mary, 26

17. "With my second pregnancy, I accidentally wore hot pink and white slippers to work, because I forgot to change into my shoes before leaving to take my son to daycare. Luckily, people were really nice and assumed my feet were just too swollen to put on regular shoes." —Aubrey, 32

18. "I was well into my second trimester and still sick all day every day. (Summertime while being a pastry chef in a hot kitchen and smelling all the smells did not help at all.) On one particular commute home, on a very overpacked bus, I felt the urge to vomit. There wasn't enough time to get off the bus and risk throwing up on the sea of people, so I threw up in my jacket just as someone sat down next to me. I tried so hard to stifle that awful heaving sound and somehow managed to catch it all in my jacket. Slowly everyone around me started leaning as far as as they could. I don't know if the people around me really had to get off at the next stop, but they did." —Aubrey, 24 

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Credit: Cosmopolitan