The 8 Real AF Stages of Dieting That We All Go Through

If you have ever been on a diet, you will find each one of these extremely relatable.

Mar 19, 2019
If there is one thing that's easy to gain and extremely difficult to lose, it's excess weight. Be it winter flab, holiday indulgence (Chocolate truffle, anyone?) or just letting go, we all reach a point where we get fed-up with the extra fat on our bodies and decide to make a change. Our first two steps in this direction involve exercise and starting a new diet. For anyone who has ever dieted, it usually consists of 8 stages that we have all struggled with at some point of our lives. Read on to learn exactly what they are.
Be it starting a new online program, following a diet book or trend or even joining an actual dietician, you embark on your weight loss journey with the determination to do whatever it takes.
From throwing out all the junk food to downloading fitness apps and making goals and targets, nothing can stop you or hold you back. You are a person with a plan. You even swap your screensaver for motivational quotes like 'sweat is just your fat crying' to keep yourself going.
A few days in and you feel light, fit and on top of the world. Salads are yum and junk food is gross. You can't imagine why everyone does not make these healthier choices, and are literally glowing with your new found way of life.
You decide you want to spread this knowledge to everyone. You start giving out tips you've read in one of your trendy books, take it upon yourself to warn people about the evil substance that is sugar, and use every possible opportunity to spread your new-found nutritional knowledge (avocado is a good fat, you guys).
It's been a few days and suddenly, dieting does not feel so easy. All you can think about is pizza and fries, and you are constantly resenting those around you for eating all this yummy food. Grilled fish for dinner, again? Ugh, how you wish you could eat some pasta instead.
Finally, you get to eat what you want! You decide to cut your self some slack and indulge in all your desires. After all, its back to 1,200 calories from tomorrow, isn't it? Time to live a little!
Cheat day went completely overboard, you binged till 2 a.m and ended up doing enough damage to negate all the effort you made in a week. To top it off, you are so, so hungry, even the next day! You just give up and eat what you want, throwing caution, and your diet book, to the wind.
After the carb and sugar high tends to fade away, you start feeling some guilt. Your weighing scale feels like a scary space to go to, and you are back to square one. Well, tomorrow is Monday, and you are determined to get back on track, restart your diet plans and start the whole cycle all over again.
Read more!

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