This is What Your Face Shape Reveals About You

Are you intuitive like Deepika Padukone or welcoming like Priyanka Chopra? Read on to find out...

Jul 6, 2020
A long and narrow face with a curved jaw. This face shape belongs to those who understand the importance of warmth and comfort. Those who have an oval face are extremely welcoming and wise. They have the rights words and phrases for any situation.
A wide hairline and fullness below the cheekbones is a face shape for those who are gentle, delicate, and compassionate. Those with this facial structure do not hesitate to put others first. They are incredibly kind.
A rectangular face is squared off at the forehead and chin. If you have this face shape, you are super-logical and rational. You may spend lots of time accessing situations because of you are a slow decision-maker.
This face structure is characterised by a wide hairline and jawline. Individuals with this facial structure are full of ambition, power, zest, and zeal. They are not afraid of responsibility and enjoy undertaking big projects.
A diamond face is wide in the middle and is slightly pointed at the forehead and chin. Those with such a symmetrical face are charismatic and have excellent communication skills. These individuals love being in charge and enjoy challenges.
If you are a wider forehead and narrower chin, you have a heart-shaped face. Such a face a structure unravels your deep, truthful, and calm inner-self. It is illustrative of your inner-strength, creativity, and intuitive nature. However, it also indicative of stubbornness.
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