
8 Ways of Prepping for the Perfect Summer Skin

Summertime fabness is just one click away!

Mar 21, 2018

With the gloomy days of winter behind us and spring in the air , a bright and happy summer season beckons with the promise of banishing the cold . However , dry and dreary weather can play havoc on the skin and with the time of miniskirts and summery pastel dresses upon us , it's our job to prep ourselves for perfectly healthy and glowing summer skin. We have for you eight sure fire ways to get your skin and yourself ready for the upcoming summer months , so read on and get ready to radiate with fresh summer beauty.

1. Give your beauty cabinet a makeover : It's time to say our good byes to heavy and gluggy winter skin care and body products. As important as they were to keep our skin supple in the winter , they may cause breakouts and dullness as the weather gets warmer. Invest in some lighter , oil free and water based skin care instead.

2.Pay a visit to the salon : Get a full body massage , pedicure , manicure and cleansing facial to say good bye to all the flakiness of winter and reveal soft summer skin and well groomed digits.

3.Hit the gym : Or get going with any other form of exercise to improve circulation and make your skin look toned , supple and summer ready.

4.Make H2O your BFF : The more you hydrate the better your skin will look .Especially with the weather getting warmer ,it's super important to make sure you get enough water in your system.

5.Scrub it all out : Rub the winter dullness away with a good all body scrub ( Think sea salt or rose sugar) Make sure you exfoliate your face gently as well to look and feel your summer best.

6.Eat more fruits and vegetables : Add more fruits and vegetables to your daily summer diet. Apart from being good for that perfect summer body , they are packed with Vitamins A ,C and E and act as anti oxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties to keep your skin full, bright and tight.

7.Slather on the SPF : Choose a good sun screen to help protect skin against UV damage.SPF 15 isa good way to protect your skin , plus preventing ageing and pigmentation as well.

8.Add a vitamin C Boost : Use skin care products and lotions loaded with vitamin C to help add a summer glow to your winter weary skin . On the plus side , they smell yummy and summery too.

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