This Is How You Fake Killer Abs

You're about to look sculpted in seconds.

Mar 21, 2018

Committing to a summer body is H A R D, which is exactly why we asked makeup artist Michael Anthony to help out in the fake-a-fit-stomach department. Watch the video below to see this insane transformation.

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And here's how to recreate the results, just in case you're trying to impress someone poolside:

1. Standing under overhead light, hunch your back and flex your stomach simultaneously. This will allow the natural creases in your stomach to be really visible.

2. Contour the divots. Using a contour brush and mid-tone brown pigment mixed with a cool green (for darker skim tones, use a deep brown pigment without the cool green shade), add contour where any shadows fall — for example, between your ribs and down the center of your stomach. Don't forget to add some shadow over your belly button, which instantly makes you look slimmer. 

3. Relax your abs and contour under your V-lines and diagonally along the sides of your waist. Apply the dark contour shade to any areas that you want to look slimmer, along with where you want your abs to be, to make them appear flatter.​

4. Blend everything with a clean makeup brush. If you want the results to be more dramatic, add more contour and then blend.

5. Set with a taupe powder. Using a fluffy contouring brush, add taupe powder over your contour cream to give it dimension. Make sure you avoid the tops of your abs though (or where you want your abs to be) and only focus on the sides of them, or else you run the risk of flattening out the 3-D-like contour you just created. 

6. Highlight the tops of your abs and ribs. Highlighter brings features forward, so by applying them to the tops of your abs and ribs, it makes them pop. Anthony used a mix of apricot- and champagne-colored highlighters.

Finally, lock in your look with a makeup setting spray, slip on your bikini, and get ready to show off your new beach body (and make all of your friends secretly jealous).

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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