Jennifer Aniston's Facialist Reveals the Correct Order to Apply Your Skincare Products

Here is the easiest step-by-step guide

Jun 17, 2022

When it comes to applying your skincare products, things can be feel a tad tricky and a little confusing, to say the least. I mean, yes, we all know that moisturiser goes on the face and the neck (very important!) but with more and more products being released into the wider beauty realm (read: essences, hydrating solutions and AHAs galore), you may find it hard when it comes to ordering your newly found nine-step skincare routine.

Though, no need to fret, for Shani Darden, aka Jennifer Aniston's professional facialist, has a solution for you. In the skincare expert's latest Instagram post, she shares with us the exact order we should be applying our PM skincare.

First things first, after removing your makeup, she shows in her video that we should start off with a cleanser. Seems reasonable and pretty self-explanatory, right?

Well, from here on out is where you need to take note:


After cleanser comes toner. OK? OK.

Then, it's retinol. Got it?

Following retinol, we have eye cream. That is your more ∼delicate∼ creams for the eyes.

And finally, you are safe to lock that all in with your moisturiser. Oh, and remember, even if you have oily skin (I feel ya) you still need to apply moisturiser.

Now, you may be thinking: where comes the serums?! Well, under a comment asking the same thing, Shani wrote: "As long as it’s not an active it will go after your Retinol Reform ❤️".

Good to know!

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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