6 Different Ways to Get Rid of T-Zone Shine *Without* Makeup

For when you're going sans blotting papers and powder puffs.

Mar 21, 2018

Rubbing alcohol is a natural astringent and thus absorbs dirt and oil. Pour a small amount on a cotton ball and swipe it over your shiny spots as your on-the-fly toner.

Overactive sebaceous glands? Hold ice (on its own or wrapped in tissue or muslin) over concentrated areas of your T-zone for 30 seconds at a time. This shrinks pores, which not only makes the skin look smoother and clearer, but keeps oil and dirt out.

Don't make a daily habit of it (it can be drying to the skin), but you can buff the skin and soak up oil by creating a smooth paste of salt and water and applying it to the T-zone. Leave it on for just a few minutes, wash it off with warm water, and voilà. Grease-free!

Another excuse to fund your pricey caffeine addiction, you can get consolation by way of a matte look. Like blotting papers, Starbucks' recycled brown napkins work to absorb slicked complexions. So started hoarding them in your handbag!

Cucumbers make for great natural toners, so if you're grabbing lunch at the salad bar, nab a few extra. Rub them on your face so that their juice cools you down. Leave it on for as long as you want. It's even fine to put on top of your foundation, too.

Rice paper is lovely for blotting, but rest assured that the free toilet seat covers you find in public stalls can get the job done too. The paper has the perfect consistency for soaking up and banishing unwanted shine.

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