7 Ways To Get Rid Of Acne

Stop that spot.

Mar 21, 2018

Spots are such a bore. Seriously, your teenage years are bad enough with gangly limbs, hips and boobs that suddenly appear out nowhere and everything your parents do being excruciatingly embarrassing, but no, we had to get spots too.

And then, just like an unwelcome house guest, they can seem to hang around for years after you've finished adolescence. In fact, more and more women in their thirties are struggling with adult acne - which is thought to be down to any number of factors, from coming off the contraceptive pill to extra work stress.

If you're struggling with breakouts, whether it's the odd smattering of volcano-sized spots, or a daily struggle with acne, check out these seven tips for beating the bothers...

1. Get the right cleanser

A clean face is a happy face - but a cleanser loaded with oils and fragrances might further upset things. Choose one that has exfoliating acids (gentle ones!) and a refreshing gel texture. Exfoliating will help slough off dead skin cells and balance your oil production.

2. Give it a deep clean

Face brushes don't come cheap, but these cleansing devices are brilliant for acne sufferers - they clean each and every pore in minute detail and can be pretty transformative. It's six times better and more effective than just cleansing with your hands - trust us, it's worth its weight in gold.

3. Zap that spot

If you can feel a spot brewing, act quickly. There are tonnes of on-the-spot treatments on the market that promise to shrink your spot by half/remove scarring/bring about world peace (ahem).

4. Protect yourself

SPF can be so tricky for acne-prone skin. Those gloopy white creams can be seriously pore-clogging, so try SPF, which is oil-controlling as well as super protective. It soaks up excess oil and has a healthy matte finish, rather than a chalky, cakey one.

5. Choose the right base

When you're struggling with a full-face eruption, it's tempting to just grab any foundation that'll cover it and pile it on. But not all foundations are kind to your skin, and that in turn could make the problem a lot worse. Choose a base that gives great coverage and is also light enough to let your skin breathe and won't clog your pores.

6. Concealer with benefits

We love a good beauty hybrid. Case in point? You can now buy medicated concealers, which treat the spot as they conceal. Try applying it under your foundation for the most natural-looking finish.

7. Call in the pros

If acne's really bothering you, making an appointment with a top dermatologist or facialist is worth the expense, even if you just have a one-off session to discuss your skin's needs and how to treat it.

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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