9 Things to Do When You're on a Career Break

And actually become MORE hireable!

Mar 21, 2018

There's a point in everybody's professional life, when all you need is to take a break from those deadlines, daily commuting, office politics, and that same 9-to-5 schedule. 

But while you tend to enjoy the first few days of this sabbatical, soon thoughts like, 'What will I do next?', 'Am I losing my skills?', and  'Did I really do the right thing?', start cropping up.

Here's how you can utilise this ~precious~ time in the best way possible, and make it look fantastic on your CV!

1. Upgrade Your Skills

A career break is the best time to stay stress-free, and explore the options available around you to upgrade your skill set. The online world is loaded with resources where you can learn a new software, language, or even opt for a certification course. For instance, you may decide to upgrade your social media skills or learn a new language. It'll help you relook your career path, and improve your skill set.   

2. Follow Your Passion

Whether it's singing, dancing, writing, or painting, spend this time to rekindle your long forgotten passions. You'll add to your creative skill set, and likely expand your circle of friends—and future colleagues or employers.

3. Take a Trip

Yep, you no longer need to wait for an extended weekend, or get holidays sanctioned. You're your own boss, and can go away wherever and whenever you like. Always wanted to spend a month in Goa? Do it! Dreamed of visiting the world's best museums? Now's the time. Travelling is the best way to rejuvenate yourself, broaden your horizons, and make up for the busy work days that will come in the future.  

4. Be a Book Worm

When we're working the daily grind, we rarely have time to catch up on books, blogs, et al. But reading is an amazing way to stay updated with what's happening in the world, and improve your knowledge base. We recommend newspapers, blogs, and books, and publications relevant to your field. You'll come out more confident and with better know-how by the end of your break. 

5. Network Like a Pro

It's important to stay in touch with colleagues and acquaintances in your field, and strengthen your professional network. Utilise your time by meeting all those you haven't met in a while, and remain active on professional websites to stay updated with the corporate world.

6. Take Charge of Your Health

Body needs toning? Back needs strengthening? Have always wanted to live the yoga lifestyle? This is the time to make your health a priority. Sign up for a fitness class or commit to eating only fresh food. Your body will thank you. 

7. Be an Entrepreneur 

Many of us harbour dreams of becoming businessmen, but the corporate world rarely allows for that. But being on a break gives you the opportunity to try your hand at whatever business you've been dying to do. Always wanted to be a Cupcake Queen? Start baking! Want a book in your name? Write it! You'll still enjoy flexible work timings and who know, if things work out well, you may remain your own boss forever!

8. Volunteer for Social Cause

There's nothing more satisfying than volunteering your time for a social cause, and your work break is probably the best time to do it. Offer to teach under-privileged children, visit an old-age home, feed stray dogs or simply join an NGO. You'll end up feeling great about life!

9. Keep Looking for Opportunities

It's smart to keep looking for work opportunities while you're enjoying your break. At this point, you'll have more time on your hands, and be able to pick an offer you truly want. 

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