This Hair Hack Will Instantly Make Your Face Look Thinner

Pony positioning is everything.

Mar 21, 2018

​Here's the deal: Any time you pull your hair straight back, your face shape stays the same and keeps people's focus at eye level. 

But when you pull your hair up in a high ponytail, your hair is more on a diagonal in line with your cheekbones, drawing others' eyes upward, instantly creating the illusion of a different face shape. 

Don't get me wrong, the "face lift" is subtle, but pulling your hair high up on top of your head (think right in front of the crown of your head), does make a difference in how you look. The tighter and more severe you make the pony, the stronger the impact. 

Garrett Markenson, hairstylist and owner of Reverie (a badass product line), helped execute these two looks above on seven different staffers. Here's how they looked with their hair pulled straight back and with their hair high up:

1. Helin

2. Brooke

3. Danielle

4. Diandra

5. Becky

6. Rebecca

7. Me

See! Like I said, the results are subtle, but pulling your hair up does make your face look instantly thinner and sharper, especially from the profile. Bottom line: If you're not feeling so hot, pull your hair up in a high pony and watch your confidence skyrocket, Ariana Grande-style.

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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