This Skincare Kit Will Bring Back the Glow!

...all your skincare needs in just one bag!

Mar 21, 2018

Do you notice something different in your photos in the last few years? Your skin looks more dull, tanned and uneven than before. With hormonal changes, bad sleeping habits, UV damage and pollution your skin tends to suffer. And this gradually takes away the glow from your skin, making it look more dull and washed out. That's when you need to give your skin some TLC and we're loving the Weekend Glow Bag from O3+ that helps to bring back the glow!

This is how the kit can bring back the brilliance:

1. Smoothen the surface: The kit includes a milk scrub that smoothens skin texture and combats white heads and gently exfoliates.

2. Shine Again: ​The Radiant Serum hydrates skin deeply and boosts collagen which brings back the glow from within.

3. Fight Dullness: ​The Sulphur Cooling Mask is enriched with anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties that prevent acne and keeps oil production in control. This mask also gets rid of dull skin by fading acne marks and its anti-tan properties.

4. Get the Bounce Back: ​Give your skin a moisture shot with O3+ Derma Fresh Cream in this kit, which hydrates and brightens skin making it look supple and more radiant.

Get yours here for INR 2,500

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