We Need These Wine Bottle Lipsticks in our Lives

It's a match made in heaven.

Mar 21, 2018

Wine and lipstick are two of our biggest loves, so can you imagine our joy when we heard that the two had come together to make the makeup baby of our actual dreams?

Korean brand, Labiotte, are the ones responsible for single handedly saving 2016 and their wine bottle lipsticks are actually too cute for words.

[instagram ]https://www.instagram.com/p/BH3ndThgPpr/?taken-by=labiotteofficial[/instagram]​

And they even do liquid lip tints…

[instagram ]https://www.instagram.com/p/BIZED5PjWxw/?taken-by=labiotteofficial[/instagram]​

But, Laura, what if I don't wear lipstick. Don't worry my friend, can I tempt you to a wine bottle mascara instead?

[instagram ]https://www.instagram.com/p/BJwyxnrgBBC/?taken-by=labiotteofficial[/instagram]​

Or how about these wine glass lip balms? Too small for our regular house white, but just the right size for a tinted balm.

[instagram ]https://www.instagram.com/p/BF5FbqhjuLI/?taken-by=labiotteofficial[/instagram]​

Sadly, Memebox who stock the wine shaped makeup of our dreams don't actually ship to the UK. But all hope is not lost because you can buy the liquid lipsticks from Amazon.

Our two unhealthiest habits combined…what could go wrong?

Follow Laura on Instagram.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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