Justin Bieber Allegedly Hollered at a Girl on Instagram and Got DENIED

Sorry, Biebs <3

Mar 21, 2018

Oh, Justin Bieber. Never stop never stopping.

In his latest foray into Wacky Celebrity Antics, the Biebs (allegedly!) messaged a gym, Fitness on Broughton, after seeing a photo of a girl on it their account. Basically, he wanted to holler at her, and he asked the gym, "Who is that girl" followed by a GIANT HEART EMOJI.

Omg, I love this guy.

Here's the Instagram post and lady in question:

[instagram align='center' id='BXlQ8z-gOu9']https://www.instagram.com/p/BXlQ8z-gOu9[/instagram]

On Twitter, Jessica Gober posted that she's the girl Bieber allegedly messaged the gym about:

[twitter align='center' id='895364499091443713' username='jessicagober']https://twitter.com/jessicagober/status/895364499091443713[/twitter]

Unfortunately, Jessica isn't single, so Justin was SHUT DOWN.

[instagram align='center' id='BXo2rCbAy0I']https://www.instagram.com/p/BXo2rCbAy0I[/instagram]

Aww, Sorry, Biebs, but something tells me you're gonna be just fine.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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