Stormy Daniels Plays Coy About Reported Affair With Donald Trump in Interview With Jimmy Kimmel

The porn star says she has no idea where a statement denying she had a sexual relationship with Donald Trump came from.

Mar 21, 2018

An hour after Donald Trump's first State of the Union ended, Stormy Daniels, the porn actress who, according to InTouch Magazine, gave an interview in 2011 saying that she had a sexual encounter with Trump in 2006, made an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Theoretically, Kimmel and Daniels had a lot to talk about. But earlier in the day, a convenient few hours before the State of the Union, a statement in which Daniels denied the encounter and said she wouldn't be commenting on it further circulated on Twitter.

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Kimmel introduced Daniels as an "actor and director who either did or did not receive $130,000 to either be or not be here tonight," and admitted he was caught off-guard by Daniels's statement denying the reported affair with Trump. Daniels said she doesn't know where the statement came from and joked that the internet also claimed she was both in the FBI and a man today, so, believe whatever you want. She also wouldn't confirm or deny having a non-disclosure agreement, but when Kimmel pointed out that if she didn't have one, she could just say that, she responded, "You're so smart, Jimmy."

Kimmel spent most of the interview phrasing questions with a lot of "did or did not"s and double-negatives, and Daniels spent most of the interview cracking jokes about the wild stuff that shows up online. Kimmel read excerpts from the recently published InTouch interview transcript, and Daniels claimed she didn't participate in the InTouch interview "as it is written" and hasn't read the full transcript yet.

In between dodging Kimmel's questions about Trump, Daniels said she feels like a victim "of the internet." "I feel guilt toward my family because my daughter has been exposed to things, like I said, they're just making up random things on the internet," she said."

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Kimmel's most creative attempt at getting Daniels to confirm on his show that she had a sexual encounter with the president 12 years ago involved a Stormy Daniels puppet, which Daniels operated in a game of Never Have I Ever. Daniels remained elusive on the affair and any alleged sum of money in exchange for her silence, but did admit that she's never watched Celebrity Apprentice (a show she told InTouch she wanted to appear on).

The statement circulated on Twitter — the one Daniels said she had no idea about — denied any sexual relationship between her and Trump. "I am not denying the affair because I was paid 'hush money, as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids," it read. "I am denying this affair because it never happened."

The rumors about Daniels and Trump resurfaced earlier this month, when the Wall Street Journal reported on Jan. 12 that Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen allegedly arranged a payment of $130,000 for Daniels a month before the 2016 election. A week later, InTouch published a "lightly edited" transcript of an interview it says was conducted with Daniels in 2011, in which she detailed a 2006 sexual encounter with Trump. Cohen has since said the president denies any such encounter with Daniels took place and provided the Wall Street Journal a statement from Daniels saying she never had an affair with Trump, nor did she receive any "hush" money.

"You have attempted to perpetuate this false narrative for over a year; a narrative that has been consistently denied by all parties since at least 2011," Cohen told the Journal. But, according to the interview InTouch published, Daniels wasn't denying that narrative in 2011. "We started kissing," she reportedly told InTouch. "I actually don't even know why I did it but I do remember while we were having sex, I was like, 'Please don't try to pay me.' And then I remember thinking, 'But I bet if he did, it would be a lot.'" InTouch claims both Daniels and her ex-husband passed a polygraph test regarding the allegations.

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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