12 Celebrities Who have Insured Their Body Parts for Millions

Heidi Klum isn’t the only one to have pricey legs, read on to know which body parts Priyanka Chopra, Amitabh Bachchan, Rihanna, JLo and other such big stars have insured.

Jan 20, 2022
Recently supermodel Heidi Klum revealed her legs were insured for a whopping sum of 2mn and one of her legs was more expensive than the other because as a child she had sustained an injury on that leg and there was a scar on it.
The former Miss World, actor, entrepreneur and author has a beautiful smile that has enamoured the whole world. It isn’t surprising that she has insured it for a hefty amount.
RiRi began taking her legs seriously after she was presented with Gillette's Venus Breeze Celebrity Legs of a Goddess award. She promptly got her limbs insured for a million.
The James Bond star did most of his stunts while shooting for Casino Royale and as per media reports, it is then that he insured his whole body for 9.5 million.
The famous singer insured her voice and legs for 35 million each while on a tour. TMZ reported this news in 2016.
The beautiful actor has reportedly insured her smile for $30 million.
Any guesses which body part Miley has insured? Well, it’s her tongue. The pop star got it insured after her tongue drew a lot of attention and became one of her iconic features.
The famous footballer has reportedly insured his legs for $195 million, the biggest ever in sports history.
The soccer star followed in David’s footsteps and reportedly insured his legs for $145 million. As per news reports, the reason for insurance being that these players could face the not-so-nice attacks on the field from opponents, which could ruin their career.
The veteran actor’s deep baritone is one of the most recognised voices in the country. The actor has insured his voice for a whopping amount.
The singer and song writer, reportedly has her legs insured for a whopping 40 million.
The singer and actor is rumoured to have insured her bums for a a whopping $300 million.
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