Portraits of Isolation: 141 Celebrities Share Their Experience of the Summer of 2020

Cosmo India captured the beauty of isolation through a series of stunning portraits. We asked 141 brand friends to photograph themselves at home and share their quarantine experience.  Read to discover the stories of Shaheen Bhatt,Mallika Dua, Shivan Bhatiya and many others. (Part 2)

Aug 11, 2020
“I’m pretty much a social butterfly, so it has been tough. But the fact that I have been able to eat all three meals with my parents (at the dining table!) has been the best part of the lockdown. This pandemic has put a lot of things into perspective. I hope and pray that people are more empathetic, caring, and compassionate in the future.”
“My time, currently, is divided into three main chunks: creating content, self-care, and housework. I’m massaging and face-masking every day, and trying to heal my body by eating nourishing foods. The one thing we need right now is more knowledge and less opinion. And I certainly hope that we can learn to live in harmony with nature and not against it.”
“There are moments when I feel like, ‘When will this end?!’. But then there is another side, too, where I am extremely positive, and make the most of this time. Most days, I feel peaceful and grateful. I’m still doing everything I used to. I’m training people via online classes. I’ve also enrolled for three online courses, and I’m learning Spanish as well.”
“I am well-rested, calm, and positive about the future of our environment. I train for about five hours a day. I’ve also started studying flowers and plants, and reading up on my religion, Zoroastrianism. What we need right now is more common sense, and less panic.”
“My younger daughter was only one-and-a-half months old when India went into lockdown, so my priority was to keep her safe. But I also pushed myself to keep doing something for myself. And I’ve managed to sign a movie deal for one of my stories, finished a novel, and released my first podcast on Audible! I hope that people use this time to pursue what makes them happy.”
“So many of us are going through so much insecurity about our work and where we stand currently. Nothing is for sure and the only thing we can count on is ourselves. I am generally anywhere between optimistic and neutral. Some news outlets and WhatsApp forwards can be highly misleading and create unnecessary panic. We need more patience and less judgement, as we are all in this together.”
“I feel bored and helpless, but also grateful. I have been cleaning, cooking, exercising, watching old classics, incessantly stalking on Instagram, sleeping, video chatting with family and friends, tending to plants, and rearranging the artwork around my house. We have been brought face-to-face with the importance of patience and love during this time. We, as a country, need to listen to the voices of the less fortunate and be more cognisant of our actions.”
“The one thing I always knew but realised more acutely in the lockdown is that my emotional state is dynamic. I do not feel binary emotions—I can be happy and sad at the same time. My emotional graph changes not just daily, but almost hourly. So I’m going through hope, inspiration, and high energy, and, at the same time, fear, uncertainty, and stress. We need more compassion in this world. And we need to understand that people are struggling, everyone has their own demons to battle during this time.”
“While my days are spent doing household chores, I have also been catching up on reading. I urge people to cut down on their social media addiction and use this time wisely, to appreciate nature and the abundant beauty of our planet.”
“On a personal front, I have listed short-term plans and goals for myself, to be completed every five days. But work is stressing me out, as we are falling behind deadlines! My family has been providing food to daily labourers and migrants in association with a lot of local area members...I feel that’s the least one can do. My only hope is that we continue to value the lessons learned now, in the future as well.”
“I was actually looking forward to some quiet, ‘me time’ after the second season of Four More Shots Please! released. Its promotions, cooking, reading and house chores have kept me occupied, but whenever I come across news about the plight of the underprivileged, it sends me down a spiral. We, as a nation, need more professionally-researched, well-thought-out policies, and none of the communalism and hate-mongering we witness presently. We must help in whatever way we can. The sense of ‘we’re all in this together’ is so powerful... I hope we carry this value into the new world order.”
“I have been rather productive during the lockdown—I managed to shoot over 25 videos, which is an accomplishment for me! And this definitely makes me happy. Along with the daily chores and work, I have also been planning what I will do once this ends. It is so important to help those in need. We are privileged, inside our air-conditioned homes, but there are thousands of people deprived of basic necessities.”
“I’m enjoying the silence, but I am also worried about the future and the health of friends and family. I am using this lockdown to connect with childhood friends, meditate...I’m taking an online workout class as well. I wrap up my day with some Netflix, and avoid an excess of news. Survival has never been such a major concern before, and we all should do whatever we can to help those around us.”
“In the beginning, the lockdown felt like we were a part of a common human experience—like we were all in it together, trying to fight this pandemic. But now, I’m feeling a bit caged. In all honesty, I can’t wait to travel. My emotions fluctuate through the day: sometimes I love all the free time I have, and other times, my own freedom sits heavy next to me on the couch. Also, I think during this pandemic, we need less ‘god men’ and more doctors and scientists to engage with the narrative.”
“My emotions are mixed at the moment. Some days, I feel optimistic, and on others, I worry. Being at home has been fulfilling, though. I am cooking and baking a lot and feel blessed to have my children around as they are such vivacious bundles of energy. Children can live each moment to the fullest, without worrying about the future. I wish grown-ups could learn this wonderful quality from them.”
“Pregnancy hormones are no joke, and I go through a barrage of emotions daily! I try to stay distracted from this crazy situation by planning things for the baby and the future. I’m also spending a lot of time reading, bonding with my family, cooking, and eating...I am always eating! I feel, in this crisis, we need less fear-mongering and more compassion.”
“I look forward to each day as a new day and do not think about tomorrow or stress about what’s going to happen. I have always believed that life is short, and we need to make the most of it. So I am taking this time to rejuvenate like I would do on a vacation. I am not really a ‘phone person’ or into technology. I spend a lot of time working on DIY projects with natural dyes from vegetables, fruits and ingredients we use for cooking and, this way, I am also upcycling my old clothes. I am also making macrame bracelets, bookmarks, candles, and dreamcatchers. I hope people finally wake up and be more compassionate towards our planet and start taking care of it.”
“Making peace with whatever is going on is easier said than done. Things appear out of our control at times, but we must strive to get through this smoothly. I am recharging, reading, meditating, thinking, writing, and planning for when everything gets going again. The air of uncertainty is pervasive, but we must look out for one another. Find your passion now that you have the time. And be grateful to all those professionals fighting this pandemic at the forefront.”
“Honestly, I’m am rather neutral about the lockdown. This feels like routine as I am not a very social person. I like my own company. So nothing much has changed, except that instead of physically taking classes, I’m doing things virtually. I wake up at 5am every day, do sadhana, take classes, and create content for my social media and brands. I have been reading a lot more, which makes me happy. Right now, we need more self-acceptance and less of toxic social media.”
“TBH, it is gloomy. My organisation, The Jimme Foundation, is assisting with an initiative called ‘Feeding From Far’ in the Baiganwadi area of Mumbai, where volunteers from the same community cook and serve food to over 5,000 people daily. We also distributed basic rations in Kamatipura recently. This pandemic is a realistion that nature thrives not because of humans, but despite our presence as pests.”
“I can’t complain...I’ve got a roof over my head, water to drink, food to eat, and my family and loved ones are safe. The pandemic is a new-age war, and the only way to win is by staying in. I wake up every morning with gratitude. I am also reading a lot, learning how to play the guitar, practising yoga, trying a different DIY face and hair pack every day, and video-calling my family, boyfriend, and friends. We need to stop complaining about sitting at home. And start being more compassionate.”
“I am feeling weirdly at peace, but I feel like I am majorly in denial. No matter how much we say that we like staying in and don’t like interacting with other people, there is a choice involved in that...which isn’t the case anymore. I feel like we need to be more of who we really are and not try to be hyper-productive. And we should try to be kinder by not rubbing our privilege in other people’s faces.”
“I’m feeling like a mango milkshake: all these different feelings are whizzing through me, but the result is something nurturing and comforting. I keep myself busy with work and my family. I’m painting with my girls, working on my second book, writing articles, reading, and doing loads of interviews for my show, 4 More Shots Please! S2, but that will die down. Stay home, why roam, when your mind can be free?! We need more stillness and reflection. Less distraction and mindless noise.”
“I am okay. Nobody is happy with the lockdown, but it is for your own good. The whole world is under threat, and the only way out is social distancing—that’s what I am doing. Even though it is troubling not to be able to go out, I’ve always been a home body and spend a lot of time indoors. There are bigger issues to be dealt with right now.”
“Wrestling is important to me, but the fight against coronavirus is even more important. This break is a great opportunity for me to qualify for the Olympics. Due to an injury, my performance had suffered, but now I am trying to train at home. We should understand the seriousness of the situation and use this lockdown to spend quality time with our families. This battle can be fought only if all of us come together.”
“I never imagined that something like this would happen to us...that humanity, collectively, would face such a crisis. I am glad I can finally spend some quality time with my daughter and mother. This is our chance to be grateful and reflect on all the privileges we enjoy. This pandemic has provided us with the opportunity to give a voice to the voiceless, be there for them and empower them. Nobody should feel like they are in this alone. Through my NGO, The Laxmi Foundation, we are trying to ensure the well-being of stray dogs, and spread awareness about the virus. We must not feel reduced or victimised by this pandemic in any way. We shall overcome these difficult times, too, if we stay united.”
“I often feel helpless and frustrated. Some days, I bounce back, while on others, I get anxious about contracting COVID-19. And that feeling is not pleasant at all! Currently, I’m decluttering my closet and downsizing everything. Hopefully, by the end of this pandemic, I would have finally achieved my life goal of ‘simple living’. Contributing to relief work is also important. This is an opportunity for humankind to create a more sustainable world, and we should make the most of it.”
“The lockdown started with me feeling grateful (for having a roof over my head and being able to protect myself), turned into a sense of wonder (had this been the Spanish Flu in 1918, we wouldn’t know what to do; but this time, we have science on our side), and now I am calm. I am enjoying being home and doing things I couldn’t do earlier. I am spending a lot of time with my mom, I am cooking, I have gone back to reading, and I am writing again...I am hopeful that something good will come out of it.”
“I am mostly at ease, with energy spurts to do something productive. Though I am trying to be entirely non-productive right now, Narresh [Kukreja] pulls me up and makes me do something worthwhile. I’ve realised that from here on, we need to ensure that we spend more time with our families, and it’s important to plan for more pauses in life.”
“Everyone is bound to feel a little uneasy with the sudden change in our lives. I feel thoughtful, hopeful, and saturated with monotony, but I am trying to make the most of being home with the family. My daughter, who has recently started running around, keeps me busy. I feel like this shift has given us a true perspective of who we are and how little we actually need.”
“I used to complain about having no time, and now, in a snap, we are forced to acclimatise to the ‘new normal’ of staying home. We should use this time to contemplate, and I hope once the lockdown ends, we evolve as better human beings.”
“After struggling to find my ground in the first few days of the lockdown, I have now settled into a routine, and I am using this time to get better at my craft. We definitely need more creators to use their influence to talk about the importance of feeding stray animals, helping those in need (in any way you can), and caring for the environment.”
“I eased into the lockdown quite well because I needed the break. But now, as time goes by, I miss my friends and loved ones immensely. I have been doing live streams on Facebook and Instagram—making music and working on self-portraits. I feel I am, gradually, becoming more aware and less fearful.”
“I am feeling pretty positive and hopeful for a better, edited version of the world. I have been learning to cook and bake some of my favourite dishes, exercising a little, cleaning out my cupboards, going through old pictures, and catching up with friends. I hope mankind learns from its mistakes and how it abused nature and its scarce resources.”
“I tend to be pretty upbeat about things, but being alone during this time has helped me reflect a lot. It hasn’t made me sad or depressed, but the lockdown has made me realise the value of slowing down and enjoying the simple things. I believe empathy is a catalyst, and a simple gesture of kindness can lead to a lot of positivity.”
“I feel uncertain. We are all anxious. But for some reason, I’m not very fearful of the future, neither am I scared. I’m well-rested and at peace, taking solace in the fact that this situation is the same for all of us, the suffering is collective. It just makes me feel stronger. I’m also hopeful and optimistic.”
“These are unprecedented times and there’s fear about our health and well-being, stress about the economy...and then there is also unbridled joy at having become a father just a few days ago! I believe in the medical professionals who are racing to fight this—my family is full of doctors!—and a sense of empathy is absolutely vital at this point.”
“This is my ‘resting stress face’. While, right now, I am in an endless loop of cooking, cleaning and working, I am also constantly worried about my family, the migrants, and the daily wagers... My daily emotions range from anxious to irritated and stressed to annoyed. And, of course, the fleeting moments of panic. But there are some moments of peace and happiness, too, mostly from my silly cats.”
“I have been in an introspective mood ever since the lockdown began—sitting by myself, with my thoughts, and coming to terms with things that we don’t have time for in our busy lives. I would like to urge people to use their skills and interests to put positivity out into the world. Change what you can, within your means...it’s about having the right intention right now.”
“I’m hopeful, confused, anxious, but mostly grateful. I think we need to continue believing in the India story. We are a self-sustainable economy, and if we all buy only made-in-India produce, and shift our focus to the local community, we’ll be helping create jobs till the grass root level.”
“A few days ago, I was feeling extremely low...many of us must be feeling the same right now. There is so much fear, stress, and anxiety around us, within us. But, at the same time, I’m also glad I’m getting to spend time with my family. This phase has made me look inwards, and realise that no matter what we achieve and accomplish, the only thing that will ever really matter at the end of the day is the relationships in our lives.”
“I am doing all that I can to keep myself positive and motivated. I am making the most of this lockdown by working out, learning about Ayurveda, cooking, reading, writing poetry, and praying that the good old days are back soon. It is imperative to be active even while indoors, by doing things like yoga, or simply walking around in the house. We must be socially responsible and not step outside. We should also not be selfish and resist the urge to hoard essentials items, depriving others of the same. I hope we create the best world—disease-free, and full of compassion, love and hope.”
“I am feeling grateful as I am able to help so many people get stronger (both mentally and physically), be more in tune with their bodies, and understand the importance of good health and wellness. Training online has opened up a completely new space for me. I feel this is the time to cut down on unnecessary expenses. I am currently supporting a few organisations like Youth Feed India, Pride India and Animals Matter To Me.”
“Issues of food, hunger and inequalities have all come forth during this pandemic. The need of the hour is to be empathic and share our resources with whoever we can. The concern of people dying of hunger is real. We must collectively maintain a positive outlook. I am trying to keep myself busy, as I am someone who just cannot be lazy. This lockdown is ideal for personal growth, self-analysis, and self-love. I wake up early, practise yoga and have recently started meditating as well. I have also been reading a lot and learning French online. I am confident that we shall be able to beat COVID-19, and emerge victorious in the end!”
“For the very first time, I feel like I am thoroughly enjoying my home and discovering new things about it. Over the last decade, I’ve been hustling hard and have often been on the road, and now this lockdown is allowing me to experience my home in a whole new way. I was listening to Muhammad Zeeshan [actor] and he said that as we fast this Ramadan, we could all provide the meals that we skip to someone else in need, which is such a beautiful thought.”
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