10 Celebs Who Married Their Fans

You will never guess #8!

Mar 21, 2018

Just because they were both big actors doesn't mean Dimple Kapadia wasn't a massive fan of Rajesh. She was crushing over him for a long time before they finally got married in 1973. 

They met through mutual friends. Jackie admired Adam's work for a long time before he offered her a part in Big Daddy. They got married in 2003, and ever since Jackie has appeared in a number of Sandler productions.

They met through friends in 2008. Adam admired Anne for years before they finally got married in 2012.

The couple have come a long way, from being high-school lovers to breaking up and then back again. Bharat has always been a fan of the actor and finally ended up living his dream. 

Admirer Avantika, had been dating Imran since before he entered the film industry. They announced their engagement soon after his debut. 

She met her now-husband back in 2004, when he was working as a production assistant on the sets of Fantastic Four, and obviously admiring her on the sidelines. (Who wouldn't?) 

A similar love-story to Jessica Alba's and her husband. Julia met her husband, Daniel, when he was working as a cameraman on her film, The Mexican, in 2000. Both the camera and his eyes, were only on her. 

Everybody knows the duo's adorable love story! Even though they had an arranged marriage doesn't mean Mira didn't already have eyes for the actor. They've totes been giving us some major couple goals ever since they tied the knot.  

Who can't help but crush on Tom Crusie? Even Katie, couldn't help herself. She used to be his biggest fan before he rose to fame with Dawson's Creek. She finally had her dream come true when they got married in 2006. Well, awkward moment, she's also the one who divorced him. 

Witherspoon's husband works at CAA, the agency which reps her. It's actually his job to be her biggest advocate! How cute is that?!

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