Important Question: Why Do Prince William and Prince Harry Always Drive to Parties?

Party poopers.

By Catriona Harvey-Jenner
Nov 20, 2018

 I spend a large proportion of my working life keeping up with what the royal family is doing. Last night, for example, I know they were all at Buckingham Palace having a riotous old time celebrating Prince Charles' 70th birthday party.

But while perusing the (very few, can I just say) images that are publicly available from the heir to the throne's birthday party, something struck me. Why on earth do the royal family insist on driving themselves to these kind of events?

Please see below for evidence.

Exhibit A:


Exhibit B:

Now, having done some in-depth research, I have come to conclude that this is certainly not the first time the royal family have self-driven to events I'm 99.9% sure there will be free-flowing booze at.

Please inspect further evidence:

Here's Prince Harry driving himself and Meghan Markle to the Queen's Christmas lunch on December 20 last year. Who doesn't like a little tipple with their turkey?

And here's Prince William driving to the 2011 Christmas party at the Palace with Kate Middleton in the front seat:

But this. This is the one that truly gets me. Prince Harry, driving on his wedding day. His wedding day. If I'm legally allowed to be in charge of a vehicle by 6pm on my wedding day, I will personally feel as though I've done myself a disservice.

Of course, I know things are different for the royals. It's probably not etiquette to get blind drunk at your dad's 70th, especially when he's next in line to the throne. But, come on. You can still have a couple and not be at risk of tearing into Princess Anne about how you actually think she's quite rude, refusing to shake the hands of the peasants public.

Being realistic, there are probably some perfectly sensible reasons why William and Harry both decided to drive to Charles' 70th last night. Harry's wife Meghan Markle is almost five months pregnant, so he may have vowed not to drink either in some kind of loving act of unity. William and Kate have a six-month-old baby, meanwhile, so maybe they didn't fancy a drink either if they're not getting much sleep at the moment.

But all I'm saying is that if I'd reached the ripe old age of 70, and my kids turned up to my birthday party on driving duty, I'd be a bit offended. I mean, I take it personally if I organise a casual trip to the pub and one person says they're sticking to the soda and limes.



To be fair, for all I know, William and Harry could have driven to Buckingham Palace and done the old 'I'll pick my car up in the morning and get an Uber (/personal chauffeur) home instead' jobby. Which would make this entire article completely redundant.

But either way, I'm just letting Prince Charles know that if I had made the invite list, I certainly wouldn't have chosen to drive to his 70th birthday (and that's got absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I can't actually drive yet, promise).

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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