The Internet Can't Stop Comparing Tiffany Trump to Miley Cyrus

Mar 21, 2018

​After Donald Trump secured enough votes to officially become the Republican nominee for president on Tuesday, his daughter, Tiffany, took center stage at the Republican National Convention to voice her support for him. But while the focus of Tiffany's speech was on her father's positive attributes and how they would make him a great nominee, the internet instead zeroed in on a very different aspect of the speech: the fact that she seemed to have the exact same vocal inflections as Miley Cyrus — or, more specifically, Vanessa Bayer's impression of Miley Cyrus on ​Saturday Night Live​.

This reaction to Tiffany's speech was overwhelming, and before she could even finish, the internet was flooded with people comparing Tiffany to Miley and the ​SNL​ star. Check out just a few of the many hilarious reactions below.

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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