Zayn Malik Dyed His Hair Pink and the Internet is Freaking Out!

He looks like a candy heart you'll want to eat immediately.

Mar 21, 2018

​Everyone can stop trying to make the pink hair thing happen, because Zayn Malik just destroyed the game with his own perfectly timed, candy heart-colored 'do. He looks like a bouquet of dyed roses, a handful of candy hearts, the inside of my heart, et cetera et cetera. 

He debuted his new look on Twitter with a beautiful selfie. 

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His fans are obviously freaking out. 

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Some of them want him to consider a new color next time.

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Others with their own Valentine's dates would dye their hair pink, too (I mean, fair). 

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But maybe the best reply (which Zyan retweeted) is a theory about how Zayn's hair got so pink.

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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