1920s Fashion: a Journey in Photographs Through the Roaring Twenties

Flapper dresses were the bee's knees and cloche hats were the cat's pajamas! 

Feb 3, 2020
Cinema has captured the pulse of the 20's and romanticized the age in many a film and TV show. The lives of Scott and Zelda Fritzgerald are documented in the series 'Z: The Beginning of Everything'. 'Downton Abbey' gives us a peek at what was going on in Europe, and of course, there is the one film (remade many times) that is eponymous with the flamboyance and decadence of the 20's jazz-age, 'The Great Gatsby' (adapted from F Scott Fritzgerald's classic novel).
The Great Gatsby 1974
Flapper dresses
Sports knickers
Flapper girls
Prince Edward in golf attire
Actor Lousie Brooks
Cloche hats
Men in zoot suits
A collection of outfits from vintage stores, costume displays, and magazine advertisements.
Casual day outfit, vest, skirt and blouse
Drop-waisted summer dresses
Beaded evening dress
Full-skirted formal evening-dress
Evening dress
Evening dress
A drop-waisted day outfit
Spring party dresses
Beach pajamas
Beaded flapper-dress
Evening accessories
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