
Your Horoscope for the Week of May 23

Everything you need to know for the week.

Mar 21, 2018


This may be a turning point week for you, Gemini, especially where relationship matters are concerned. If you have been in a bit of a metal fog for the past few weeks, it's because your ruler, intelligent Mercury, has been retrograde in your zone of dreams. Things will start falling into place after Mercury goes direct Sunday. Venus, the planet of love, moves into your sign Tuesday, making you extra-irresistible until June 17. Relationships could hit a turning point, or you may have a second shot with someone from the past. Take things slow and steady Thursday. Reappraise a work strategy after Friday. ​​



You are a very sensitive person, but this week, you are more than usually sensitive to your environment and your feelings. Drama with friends or colleagues will simmer down after Sunday when verbal Mercury finally goes direct. But with Venus sliding into your zone of privacy Tuesday, you are ready to retreat into your own private world for a while. You may have to make some difficult decisions about your work-life balance. A love interest from the past may re-emerge this weekend. ​



This could turn out to be a fun week reconnecting with friends and love interests. Work stuff has been a bit all over the place recently, thanks to verbal Mercury in retrograde, but things will smooth out after Mercury goes direct Sunday. Reconnecting with your crew will brighten your smile after loving Venus moves into versatile Gemini on Tuesday. Avoid a shopping spree Thursday when financial conservatism pays off. Some unfinished family business comes up this weekend. It's worth it in the long run to confront difficult emotions. ​



This is another exciting workweek, Virgo. With your ruler, clever Mercury in retrograde, you have been second-guessing some major plans for the past few weeks. But you will have renewed clarity and vision after Mercury goes direct Sunday. Alluring Venus slides into your zone of fame and success Tuesday and will bring your some hard-earned rewards. But avoid getting overemotional Thursday. Assertive Mars moves backwards into intense Scorpio on Friday. and you may hear from someone from the past this weekend. ​



This week, you are rethinking your strategy, especially when it comes to some financial moves. Stabilizing long-term goals becomes easier after verbal Mercury finally goes direct Sunday. Your ruler, magnetic Venus, moves into curious Gemini on Tuesday and may kick-start a busy few weeks of travel. Don't make moves based on faulty intel Thursday — it's better to wait for more info. Active Mars moves backward into Scorpio on Friday and will help you tap into your most private needs and wants.​



You are in a power zone now, zooming like a missile toward your goals. Relationship turbulence that may have been getting you down finally smoothes out after Sunday when verbal Mercury goes direct. Venus, the planet of attraction, moves into multifaceted Gemini on Tuesday and will help you pinpoint the best strategy for your new projects. A square between strict Saturn and lucky Jupiter on Thursday means you may want to take it slow and not overwhelm others! When active Mars retrogrades back into your sign Friday, you can revisit a old goal and finally have closure (and success!)​.



This week is all about relationships. You have been struggling to get things on track at work for the past few weeks, with Mercury retrograde causing upheaval. But after Mercury goes direct Sunday, the path is clear for you to make some killer connections. Everything comes together Tuesday when you could meet the perfect love interest or business partner! Big work news may arrive Thursday. But stay a bit under the radar after Friday when active Mars moves back into your zone of intuition. Let things play out rather than pushing too hard. ​

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Your instincts are strong now, especially when it comes to work. Verbal Mercury has been retrograde for the past few weeks, which may have mixed up communication related to a creative project. Magnetic Venus moves into your zone of job and routine Tuesday and will help you to streamline things in the office. Consider your motivations carefully Thursday, since there are a stack of planets in your zone of subconscious behavior. Revisit a team activity or tech project after Friday when active Mars retrogrades back in Scorpio.​



This is an action-packed week that may seriously add spice to your love life. Verbal Mercury finally goes direct Sunday and will bring some clarity around a family situation. Sparks fly Tuesday and a long-simmering love interest may finally come to fruition, so if you have been crushing on a pal, things could go to the next level. Be cautious Thursday, especially about financial matters. Assertive Mars moves back into intense Scorpio on Friday, and you'll have a chance to revisit some unfinished business at work. ​



This is a week when lots of career news finally comes into focus. After a three-week retrograde, verbal Mercury finally goes direct Sunday, and you'll have a chance to clear up mixed messages that have been flying. Alluring Venus moves into curious Gemini on Tuesday and then opposes active Mars. Work news may appear and change the direction you had been anticipating. Balance optimism with common sense Thursday when expansive Jupiter squares practical Saturn. Revisit big plans and dreams after Mars backs into passionate Scorpio on Friday.  ​ ​



Travel may lead you down some unexpected roads this week. The three-week retrograde of Mercury finally ends Sunday, and a financial situation that has been confusing matters recently finally begins to be resolved. But mixed messages may still be in the air Tuesday, when diplomatic Venus opposes your ruler, assertive Mars. Looks for ways to create a win-win situation. And make sure all the facts and details are clear if you are traveling or signing paperwork. Mars moves back into Scorpio on Friday and will help you make some long-term decisions. Go from the heart. ​



Finances are a major focus this week. Verbal Mercury has been retrograde in your sign for the past three weeks, and you have been rethinking some major plans and decisions. You will have some clarity after Mercury goes direct Sunday. Your ruler, alluring Venus, moves into versatile Gemini on Tuesday and opposes feisty Mars. Study whatever financial intel reveals itself now, since it could be important. But wait to make big decisions until after Friday when Mars moves into passionate Scorpio. You will get a sense of how your plans affect the rest of your peeps.​


Credit: Cosmopolitan

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