4 Ways to Keep Weight Off — For Good

No calorie counting, no late-night staring at the fridge wishing you could be friends. With this plan from trainer Heidi Powell, you'll be healthy, full — and fitter, too.

Mar 21, 2018

I meet a lot of people who want to lose weight. My husband, Chris, and I have co-hosted Extreme Weight Loss for five years and, more recently, co-authored the book Extreme Transformation. There's this idea out there that if we make drastic changes for a while, we'll get big results and never have to worry about dieting again. Folks seem to believe it's just a matter of mustering the strength to make it through those first few weeks. Let me tell you: That's sabotage. It's not your lack of willpower that's keeping you from achieving your goals; it's this notion that you have to give up everything to get the body you want. I've seen hundreds of people slim down while still eating the foods they love, and more important, keep the weight off. Take these steps, get some exercise, and watch your body change — slowly, painlessly, for good.

1. Eat Your Carbs

You heard me: Carbs are essential to your metabolism. Instead of cutting them out, try consuming less of them three days a week. You'll rev your metabolism when you eat them, then burn fat on the low-carb days. When you are having carbs, reach for complex, healthy ones, like fruits, grains, legumes, and whole-grain cereals, breads, and pastas. Simple carbs like those in chips, cookies, and many processed foods aren't doing you any favors — but I love them too, so don't worry, they're not out entirely. (More on that in a bit!) Veggies are the real king, though: You should have them every day. Just skip starchy, root varieties like beets and potatoes on your low-carb days, since they so easily convert to loads and loads of sugar. My rule: If it's green, you're probably good.

2. Have Five Small Meals a Day

It's absolute magic for your metabolism. Eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking, then have another meal every three hours after that, until roughly 8 p.m. Every single plate should include protein; it helps you build muscle and keeps you fuller longer. Choose mostly lean meats like chicken and turkey, as well as seafood, eggs, and Greek yogurt. On high-carb days, pair your protein with a virtuous carb. On low-carb days, pair it with a healthy fat like avocado or almond butter. (And remember: Eat lots of green vegetables with every meal.) Notice that you're having only starchier carbs or fat on any given day — not both. And the reason for that is because your body releases insulin when you eat carbs; add fat and the hormone will quickly store it away.

3. Keep Your Portions Smartly Sized

I know, I know — it was all sounding too good to be true. But if you're careful about how much you eat, you'll really see results. Measuring out portions can feel a little overwhelming, so I always tell people to use their hands as a guide. Proteins should be about the size of your palm, carbs the size of your clenched fist (not just the surface area but the entire fist), and fats the size of your thumb. For those great everyday veggies, pile on at least a couple of fistfuls. I promise your plate will be full and your belly happy.

4. Cheat a Little

Back to those chips and cookies. Telling yourself you can't have something only makes you want it more, so it's important to build in rewards. They also boost your metabolism: Restricting yourself for too long can slow your calorie burn and cause a drop in leptin, the hormone that helps you feel full. So have something small, like a fun-size chocolate bar or a single serving of chips, on your high-carb days, or save it for the weekend and go all out with a "free" meal at a restaurant, or popcorn and candy at the movies. My only advice: Don't treat yourself at night. In our house, that turns into an hours-long snackfest.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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