Can You Tell Which of These 3 Women is the Mum?

The Internet is baffled!

Mar 21, 2018

You may have conquered all of those "find the panda" searches lately, but the Internet has moved on. Right now, everyone is trying to figure out which of these three women is the mother of the other two:

[twitter ][/twitter]​

The picture, posted by Kaylan Mahomes​, and simply captioned, "Mom, twin and me" has been retweeted 19,000 times and has a whopping 31,000 likes. In response, the trio posted a funny video on Instagram with the caption, "When your mom thinks it's a #whosthemom:"

[instagram ][/instagram]​

So, who ​is the mum? It might be safe to assume that the first tweet was worded in the order of who was in the photo... unless Kaylan was simply being grammatically correct. Alternate theory: These are all Kaylan clones, and that's why they look so much alike. Let's just go with that one.

From Good Housekeeping

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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