10 Effective Abs Exercises For Non-Gym Goers

A summer-end six pack? Hell yeah. 

Jun 26, 2020
Wanna fire up those abdominals? Performing an exercise in the plank position is going to get those abs to kick in and work. "Taking on the plank position while moving the legs is going to give the abs a serious burn, while flattening them out. Keep in mind, the tighter you keep the corset around your middle, the more stable and steady you get!"
This exercises targets the lower abs (the stubborn area). "Challenging spinal flexibility as well as abdominal strength, reach your sit bones (the bony joints in your butt) towards the ceiling, and avoid the thighs from collapsing on your chest."
"Adopt the 'all fours' position, and defy gravity to charge up your abdominal muscles. Focus on drawing your belly-button into your spine to keep the pelvis steady, while the arms and legs move."
What's the best way to get the abdominals and obliques toned, while challenging your core muscles too? The bicycle exercise, of course! "Attempt to reach towards your armpit, while rotating your hip in the opposite direction."
"This pilates exercise is hella brutal, but should get you those carved six-packs in no time. But do keep in mind, the slower you go the more control and abdominal strength you have; resulting in flatter abs."
Let's add a bit of fun to the mix. "This exercise is a challenging, yet enjoyable way to get the obliques working to whittle that waistline speedily. The key is to stay balanced on the bottom hip bone."
"This ones by far the best ab warm-up exercise. Get your breathing going, while keeping the core and abdominals engaged, and focus on keeping the lower back in a neutral position."
Washer-board abs? Try this super-advanced abs exercise! "Tapping on your core control, the key is to stay engaged through the entire back chain of the body, while pressing your legs into the mat and the head into your hands."
"Increasing the lever length really challenges the abdominals in this traditional mat-pilates exercise. When practicing this exercise, ensure that the arms and legs move away from the centre, while the torso stays in the same position."
"Further work the obliques by adding a rotation to a side-plank exercise. To ensure that your core is engaged, rotate from the torso, while the hips stay stacked."
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