10 Insta-Famous Indoor Plants to Turn Your Room Into a Mini Oasis

From no-fuss, sturdy plants to the natural air-purifiers, check out these indoor plants to start a green drive in your room!  

Jun 4, 2020
1. Swiss Cheese Plant - 452,520 posts: This is a plant worthy of its own Insta account! Much of its popularity can be attributed to the fact that it requires moderate watering and no direct sunlight. Just like its personality, the plant requires a BIG pot!
2. Fiddle Leaf Fig - 287,193 posts: These beauties have a dry humour...going long between waterings, perfect for the forgetful gardener. It is the perfect indoor plant not requiring too much care but keep a bigger pot handy in case it gets happy and outgrows your room!
3. Chinese Money Plant - 202,391 posts: Water less, rotate once a week to face the sun and take pix every day! This beauty will thrive in your bedroom window.
4. Snake Plant - 182,675 posts: Soil, pot and lots of selfies - are all that these air-purifying babies require making it the perfect fit for the forgetful gardeners. Water only when you see the soil getting dry.
5. Money Tree - 145,528 posts: Sandy soil in a pot with good drainage and infrequent watering schedule, this lucky braided trunk beauty will fit right in your home.
6. String of Pearls - 141,249 posts These gorgeous green beauties don't like direct sunlight and too much water. But they would love if you would twin your pearl necklace with them!
7. Spider Plant - 136,357 posts You may have seen these plants in many a Insta pics cuz they thrive well with moderate watering and indirect sunlight.
8. String of Hearts - 120,459 posts They may look oh-so-fanceh but these babies love it best if you just let them be. Requiring watering sparely, they would make a gorgeous addition in your window. Just keep them out of direct sunlight.
9. Jade Plant - 109,992 posts: You know when Sherly Crowe sang 'I wanna soak up the sun', she was probably singing about her pet jade plant! They need a lot of sun, moderate watering and a guest appearance in your social media feed to be happy!
10. Peace Lily - 102,218 posts: These beauties will require a tad more TLC than the plants in this list. So, keep them in a well-lit area, water moderately and make sure you mist them or have a humidifier around.
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