A 10 Minute Workout You Can Do at Home to Burn Fat Fast

5 exercises. 10 minutes. Zero equipment.

Aug 6, 2020
Jumping lunges are a fantastic lower body exercise which increase the intensity and difficulty of the basic lunge by adding a jump. The addition of a plyometric jump not only challenges the quads, hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors, and calves, but it also recruits your cardiovascular system. This gives your heart rate a boost and helps you burn more calories. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your core engaged. Take a big step forward with your right leg, keeping your arms by your side. Shift your weight forward with this leg so that your heel touches the floor first. Then, lower your body until the forward leg is parallel to the floor (bottom position). Next, jump up, quickly switching the position of your feet while in mid-air (so your right leg moves back and your left leg comes forward). You may also propel your arms into the air as you jump. Gently land back on the floor in a basic lunge position with the opposite leg forward. Repeat this movement pattern, switching legs on each jump, for the desired amount of time. (Repeat the whole circuit twice)
An exercise that focuses on toning the hamstrings, gluteal muscles, and core area, begin with standing upright with your feet hip-width apart and your hands on your hips. Lunge back with one foot and bend both knees till they reach a 90 degree angle. Make sure the rear knee doesn’t touch the floor and the front knee doesn’t extend past your toes. Lift the rear foot off the floor as you straighten the front foot, and bring the rear knee forward, raising it as high as possible. Do the same for each leg, for the desired amount of time. While doing this exercise, avoid facing forward, keep your ab muscles tight and back straight, and avoid leaning forward when in the lunge position. (Repeat the whole circuit twice)
A simple and effective way to tone your core, shoulders, and hips, this one's popular amongst athletes as it entails twisting movements. Besides, it’s also an ideal exercise for anyone looking to tone their midsection by getting rid of love handles, along with developing core strength which helps with balance, posture, and movement. Arms wide, lift your knees off the ground, contract your abs, and twist to one side bringing one arm to touch the other hand. Clap. Return back to the position with your arms straight in a line at shoulder level. Hold. Twist and touch the other hand on the opposite side. Clap. Do this exercise for 1 minute and repeat. (Repeat the whole circuit twice)
The Pilates 100 is an exercise that makes use of the principles of pilates to strengthen the abdominal muscles, while ensuring body stability and strengthening your lower back too. Begin by lying on your back. Bring both the knees into the chest to form a tabletop position. Take your head, neck, and shoulder off the mat while extending the arms alongside the body. Extend your legs ahead and lower them as far as possible, while keeping the abs engaged and back connected to the mat in a slight imprint (you can modify by bending the knees or bringing the feet to the mat with bent knees). Pump the arms up and down in a quick, controlled manner while taking five short breaths in and five short breaths out (like sniffing in and puffing out). Be sure to keep your shoulders and neck relaxed and focus on your abdominal muscles. Practice this exercise for a total of 1 minute. (Repeat the whole circuit twice)
This exercises focuses on the primary muscle groups including the glute max, quads, hamstrings, and calves, as well as the secondary muscle group including the hip flexors and adductors. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart in a squat position, and fists protecting your face. Kick your left knee up in front of you and extend it to the front. Repeat after 30 seconds, then switch sides. (Repeat the whole circuit twice)
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