A 20 Minute Full-Body Workout to Burn Fat

Bid adieu to the equipments y'all! Celebrity Trainer, Sumaya Dalmia shares her at-home, full-body workout for beginners.

Jul 27, 2020
"This is a fabulous exercise that works your lower body, including the glutes and legs. Stand with your legs hip-distance apart and place your hands across the front of your chest. Squat down as if you were to sit on a chair, leading from your hips. Attempting to almost sit on the chair, use your glutes to lead you back to starting position."
"This is a complete upper-body and core exercise. Start with push-ups on your knees and after you build endurance move to full push-ups. Begin in a high plank position and then lower yourself towards the floor, aiming to touch your chest to the floor. Make sure to keep a neutral spine, with your neck and elbows tucked in."
"This is a great lower body workout that not only emphasises on the glutes and quadricep strength, but also focuses on balance and mobility. Begin with one leg ahead of you, both toes pointing forward and torso upright. Next, drop your back leg towards the ground and then back up. Make sure you use the glutes of the black leg on your way back up."
"This exercise is ideal for your core and shoulders. Begin in a high plank position, with the wrists directly underneath your shoulders. Hold for 30 seconds. Make sure your core is tucked in. Variation: tap your shoulders with the alternate hand."
"This exercise works the inner thigh and glutes. Stand with your feet wider than hip-distance apart, squat towards the floor and then back up. To add a variation, do alternate calf raises in the squat position."
"An exercise for the core, get into a bear crawl position and make sure that your wrist is directly under your shoulders, while your knees are directly under your hips. Hold the position for 30 seconds. Variation: take two steps to the side and the back.
"Begin in a high plank position, core engaged. Pike up towards the ceiling. Leading with your hips and with your palms touch each foot alternately. A great full-body exercise that focuses on the core while improving overall flexibility and mobility."
"This is an exercise to build and strengthen your glutes. Lie on your back with your feet on the floor. Lift yourself in the bridge position, leading from your glutes, and then lower down. Variation: single leg hip bridge."
"An excellent exercise to strengthen your core and the muscles in the lower back, start in a reverse plank position but with your feet on the floor. Engage your glute and lower back muscles to stay high in a table-top position. Now, with the alternate hand, touch the alternate foot. Make sure to not let your hips drop too low."
"Start on your back with your legs straight in front of you and lift yourself up with the feet and shoulders in one straight line. Keep your head in a neutral position and hold for 30 seconds. This is a great exercise to strengthen the posterior chain muscles."
"Start out in a basic plank position and make sure that your elbows are directly under your shoulders. Engage your core to prevent your plank from sagging. Hold for 30 seconds. Variation: raise one arm ahead and hold, then repeat on the other side. Make sure your body remains as centered as possible."
For 1 minute.
For 1 minute.
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