3 Ways to Love Your Body and Lose the Shame

Too skinny, too fat, too dark or too fair — you have been listening to what people think of your body for far too long. Author of Too Fat Too Loud Too Ambitious and inspirational speaker, Devina Kaur, shares how to shed your old skin and love yourself! 

Jan 5, 2021
We are called fat, skinny, obese, anorexic and so many other derogatory terms we hear way too often. "What do we do when someone close to us shames us for our size? Or the colour of your skin? Or your sexuality? Do you get angry at them? Do you wish to send them to hell? Do you just ignore them? Frankly, I have struggled with bullying and fat-shaming all my life and I was mostly subjected to this unacceptable behaviour by my close friends and family."
She adds, "What I have learnt is that everyone speaks from their level of consciousness, often not even knowing that they are hurting someone with their words. Instead of shaming others, choose to make an effort to understand your differences."
Devina writes about the three ways to tackle negativity about the way you look and accept yourself...flaws, beauty spots and all!
"Begin with accepting yourself and others. When we accept ourselves, we are able to accept others for exactly who they are. That is the best way to call out those who shame us for our body sizes."
"Instead of staying angry with my abusers, I choose to send them love and light and work on myself. The more my relationship with myself develops and improves, the better I feel about forgiving others. So the goal is to have a loving relationship with yourself, even have a relationship with your ego, because when your ego is managed with loving kindness, it can become your greatest ally. "
"Don’t shame others for being their authentic selves. Who are these people who put others down? Even though I have been shamed for most of my life, and it will probably continue for as long as I live, we should try to remember that these are people who have low self-esteem and are looking to add misery to our lives because they themselves are vibrating at such a low frequency. One thing that I have realized is that many people don’t even like themselves, they are lost, they are looking for validation, and when someone struggles to like themselves, how can that person like anyone else?"
"Next time you notice yourself judging someone for their bad makeup, their skin colour, their food choices, their size, ask yourself why does this bother me so much and what can I change in myself so as to not judge others."
"Why do we judge people for their body size? If the size does not define who you really are, why do we measure success by other unnecessary things like the car a man drives, or the job one has? Do men get judged for their body sizes or is it just us women? Here is what I can say, being authentic is your own superpower and authenticity comes from intense ongoing self-study."
"That means knowing your good side, but also knowing you’re not-so-good side. Remember no part of you is your enemy. Once we know both our sides, we also have to practice radical self-acceptance and only then can our true power shine."
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