5 Best Exercises to Get Rid of the Bra Bulge

Celebrity fitness expert Vesna Jacob shows you how to tone up your back muscles and banish the bulge for good

Sep 25, 2020
Chest Openers: "Hold the band behind the body, straighten the arms open the chest and lift your arms up and down while keeping the band tight. After twenty movements hold the arms up at the highest point and try to stretch the bands sideways. The movement should be controlled and done without compromising the posture."
Horizontal Overhead Push: "Stand with feet shoulder width apart, bend the knees slightly and lean forward from the waist down so that your upper body is parallel to the floor as possible. Stretch out your arms over your head holding the ends of the bands in your hands keeping them in the same line as your back while keeping tension between the arms. Make sure in each part of the movement that the elbows stay parallel without either drooping or lifting up. Squeeze the shoulder blades throughout the movement and while pulling the band back above the head keep the arms as close to the head without getting entangled. You can also do the first exercise in this position."
Shaving the Back: "Stay in the same starting position as before and push your arms back, bend your elbows and bring your hands close to your back and push out again as if you are trying to shave your back. This is an exercise which should be done carefully. Do double the number of repetitions as opposed to the other exercises. To make it more engaging combine it with a powerful and short breath where you inhale through the nose on one movement and exhale through the mouth powerfully while engaging your core on the other part of the movement."
Cat and Dog Stretch with Band: "Get on your hands and knees with your weight evenly distributed while holding the band in your hands and the band looped over your shoulders with soft elbows so that you feel the elasticity of the band pushing you down. Exhale and push into the band by rounding your back. Inhale and come back to the starting position. Try to go as high and as low as your body allows you without ever losing your tension and control. Keep your core, back and arms engaged throughout."
Tricep Low and Overhead Extensions "The following exercise is actually two exercises which can be done separately or alternatively. Take your pick, I like to play with the movements, so I would do five movements of only one, then do ten alternating between the two and then do the second one only and repeat this cycle four times. Sit on your knees if comfortable, alternately you can stand or sit in the chair. Hold the band in front of you and lift the right elbow up so the arms are creating a diagonal line. As you exhale stretch the lower arm down and diagonally and hold it for a moment. The second exercise uses the same position, we just now focus on the other arm stretching it up and diagonally across."
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