5 At-Home Exercises to Get Rock Solid Abs Fast

Flaunt that toned stomach this summer like your favourite celebrities with a little help from fitness expert Vesna Jacob      

Jul 10, 2020
Hundred: Staple exercise of classical Pilates, Hundred is meant to be done for 100 short flaps with the arms alongside the body, while head is off the ground, stomach is pulled in and legs lengthened and lowered down towards the ground with heels together and toes apart. During the movement back should be pushing into the ground and breathing is through the nose while exhaling through the mouth. In case this is too difficult, put the head down and/or soften the knees.
Toe Touch: The moment you finish the previous exercise, make a smooth transition and lift your upper body all the way up and reach for the toes. Make sure you don’t stress the neck while lifting yourself up. The movement should be smooth and controlled
CrissCross: Interlock your fingers behind the neck and take with your elbow towards the opposite knee. The leg you are reaching towards should be bent, while the other one should be extended and tight. Repeat the same on the other side. Both movements are counted as one repetition.
Mountain Climber: Go into the push-up position and round your back a bit. Arms are tight and extended. Eyes are looking straight down to the mat. Inhale and bring one knee to the chest while the other leg is stretched out and tight. Change the legs.
Lateral Raises: Sit on the side of the body with lower leg bent and upper one extended over it. Lower arm should be stretched out for support and upper arm should be in front of the body. Inhale and as you exhale lift your hips off the ground and stretch the upper arm all the way above and over the body. The more advanced version of this is with both legs extended. Once you are done with one side repeat the same on the other side. Make sure not to stress the neck and the shoulder during the movement. If you have shoulder issue this exercise should be avoided or modified to be done from the forearm placed on flat elevated surface.
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