5 Signs That You May Need to Break Up With a Lover, According to a Relationship Expert

If you are asking yourself - Should I break up with him or her? Then, you probably should...Or you can watch out for these common reasons why couples break up and make up your mind. 

Oct 27, 2020
"If you do not understand and accept your partner’s needs and emotions, in the long run, it can lead to a breakup. A good relationship is all about balancing the wants and needs of both the partners equally."
"Breakups are also common when one partner does not approve of another partner's quirk or behaviours. For instance, one may have a problem with their partners’ excessive smoking or drinking."
"Finances must be handled properly. It’s the common reason why couples break up over money. They spend secretly, lie about their bills (or debt), or hide cash. When couples are dishonest about money and hide their money problems, it becomes difficult for them to trust each other in all areas of the relationship. This secrecy around money often leads to the relationship breaking up."
"If your family or friends does not support or approve the relationship you are in, you are more likely to notice and highlight or exaggerate the negative side of your partner ( which may result in a breakup). Everyone wants to be in a relationship which is supported by their social group."
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