5 Things You Should Do to Get Fit and Fabulous Instead of Missing Meals

Think not eating breakfast or lunch will help you achieve your weight-loss goals? Well, you could not be more wrong about that! Dietitian Mehar Bakshi shows how you can get in the best shape without depriving yourself of nutrition and a balanced diet.

Oct 29, 2020
"Instead of skipping your breakfast or lunch for losing weight, get into the habit of planning your meals. You do not need to plan a week's meal at once but at least take small steps. For example, try to prepare a healthy breakfast in the night, so that you have something to eat that fills you up in the morning, or make a tasty and nutritious salad with leafy veggies and nuts, and store it in the refrigerator to eat when you start getting cravings."
"Physical inactivity is responsible for several serious health ailments such as diabetes, heart risks, obesity, etc. Indulge in at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day to keep the weight in check. You can do any form of physical activity such as cycling, running, brisk walking, yoga, pilates, dancing, jumping, etc. Once you start performing physical activities, do not expect immediate results. Consistency is the key to attain long-term weight loss goals."
Loaded with antioxidants and essential nutrients, green tea is one of the healthiest things that one must drink for weight loss. Green tea can be a great replacement for coffee or milk tea as it contains a small amount of caffeine, enough to fade away fatigue. Drinking 2-3 cups of green tea would not only balance your body weight but also keep your skin clear and glowing.
"Added sugar is high in calories and void of essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein, etc., which are actually required by your body. Regularly consuming foods high in added sugars might cause you to gain excess body fat, which can be very hard to lose. Eating sugar can also raise levels of the hunger-promoting hormone in the body while lowering levels of the appetite-suppressing hormone. Thus, eat sugary foods in moderation or avoid them completely."
"Consuming fiber promotes overall fat loss as it makes one feel fuller for a long period. Fiber also keeps the gut bacteria healthy, which helps to prevent digestive issues such as constipation. Some of the fiber-rich food items one must include in the diet are lettuce, celery, okra, radish, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, zucchini, etc.
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