5 Ways to Boost Immunity in Winters

A nutritious diet or supplements are not the only way to boost immunity

Dec 8, 2020
"Regular physical activity flushes the bacteria out of lungs and airways and reduce your risk of catching cold, flu or other illnesses. Regular exercise can boost your immune function and help combat infections by strengthening the antibodies and white blood cells; the immune system cells that fight against diseases. Moreover, exercise can also help your body reduce stress and chronic inflammation. So get up, take your yoga mat and do some crunches to get a flat stomach and stronger immune function."
"Immune system works by protecting the body against infection from cold or flu as well as serious medical conditions. But smoking causes harm to our immune system by making it less effective in fighting several pathogens. Moreover, smoking has also been associated with the imbalance of immune system that increases the risk for various immune and autoimmune disorders in the body."
How does weight affect the immune system? "Research shows thatexcess fat around stomach in overweight or obese individuals can turn the body’s natural defence system against them throwing immune function off balance. This can cause heart and other diseases. Hence, healthy body weight is essential for a healthy immune system."
"Modern science has come to praise the closely linked relationship between brain and body. We need to look at the relationship between “stress and immune function”. Stress tends to suppress the immune function, making us vulnerable to colds and other infections. The best way to combat stress response is through meditation. In short, minimizing stress can boost your immune function up."
"Diet plays an important role in maintaining a healthy immune system. The immune warriors need a good and balanced diet to fight infections. Consuming a diet loaded with antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, etc. can boost immunity by reducing oxidative stress caused by free radicals."
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