5 Yoga Asanas to Help You Manage PCOD Symptoms

PCOD or PolyCystic Ovarian Disease can take a toll on your mental and physical health.Yoga And wellness coach Garima Bhandari shows how you manage your symptoms better with the right combination of Yoga poses. 

Aug 21, 2020
DHANURASANA: Among other advantages, Dhanurasana, also known as the bow posture, is a yoga practice that is attributed to relieving tension and anxiety.
YONI MUDRA: Yoni means uterus or womb, and this action is called the Yoni Mudra because the person who consistently performs it has no outward interaction with the outside and resembles a baby in the womb. It helps with the internal declutter.
PAWANMUKTASANA: This is also known as the Wind Escape Posture which is good for intestinal which stomach issues. It is believed to reinforce the muscles in the back and abdomen and to improve blood circulation.
KAPALBHATI: Kapalbhati is derived from "Kapal" and "Bahti," which means "to shine." The practice of the exercise, it is claimed, gives the face a natural glow. It's a shat Kriya, meaning that it's a form of purification technique that eliminates the body's toxic air and toxins. It indicates that you are still sitting in a yogic pose during the breathing exercise.
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