5 Yoga Poses to Get Toned and Stronger Arms

These effective exercises will help you get rid of flabby arms

Oct 6, 2020
Also known as Parvatasana (Mountain Pose), this is an excellent way to stretch the back and legs and strengthen the upper body. Steps: 1. Come into an all 4s position with your hands under the shoulder and knees under your hips. 2. From there press your palms on the floor, straighten your elbows, tucking your toes, pressing your heels on the floor, straighten your knees and lift the hips up. 3. Gaze at the navel and take 3 deep breaths, and keep pressing the palms evenly on the floor, remember to keep the back straight, if your back is rounding then bend your knees and lift your heels up. 4. Come back to all 4s and repeat the pose 2 to 3 times. Caution: 1. Keep the weight evenly distributed on the hands and feet, as we tend to put more weight on the hands. 2. People with weak or injured upper limbs and shoulders should avoid this asana. 3. People suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, inflammation of eyes and ears can avoid this asana. 4. People with high bp or migraine should practice with caution and proper guidance. Benefits: Adho Mukha Svanasana strengthens the legs and core, it helps stretch the back and hamstrings along with the calves. Most of all it strengthens the biceps, triceps and forearms, bringing strength and stability in the elbows, shoulders and wrists. It also increases the blood circulation to the upper body, especially shoulder blades and spine. It is excellent for the digestive and respiratory system and improves digestion.
Dandasana or Plank pose is which means stick or staff is one of the most effective postures for a whole body strength. Steps 1. Lie down on the mat on your stomach. Keep the palms next to the chest, and tuck your toes. 2. Press your palms and lift your whole body. 3. Make sure your whole body is in one line, with your arms in line with the shoulders and the body parallel to the mat. 4. Hold for a 10 to 30 seconds, breathing naturally, repeat 2 to3 times. Caution: 1. People with arm, shoulder or wrist injuries should avoid this asana. 2. People suffering from high PB should avoid this pose. 3. People with any recent surgeries or injuries should avoid this pose. Benefits: It tones the abdominal muscles, it also strengthens the arms, shoulders and back. It strengthens the spine and whole body overall.
From Dandasana, with your elbows hugging the side ribs, Exhale and bend your elbows no lower than the shoulder level going down, keeping the core engaged, pressing your palms evenly on the floor. Steps: 1. Keep the knees of the floor and the whole body parallel to the floor. 2. Make sure the shoulders, elbows, hips and ankle are in one line. 3. Stay in this pose for a few seconds or as long as you can and as you exhale press back in Plank pose or Downward dog, or slide into a cobra or upward dog pose. Caution: People suffering from High BP, Migraine or headaches, chronic back, shoulder or wrist pain or injuries or pregnant women should avoid this asana. Benefits: This asana makes the arms, shoulders and wrists strong, especially the triceps. It's also good to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles along with the spine.
From Dandasana (Plank pose) transfer your weight on the right arm and with your heels dropping towards the right, and left arm resting on the left side of the body. Steps: 1. Stack the left foot over the right foot. 2. Ensure the right hand is a little in front of the shoulder Pressing the palm evenly and firmly on the ground. 3. Inhale and extend your left hand till it is straight in line with the shoulder. 4. Look towards the left arm and stay in this pose for a couple of breaths. 5. Exhale, and come back to Dandasana, after resting for a few breaths repeat the same on the other side. Caution: 1. People with wrist, shoulder, elbow or back injury should avoid this asana. 2. People with back injury or any recent surgeries should avoid this asana. 3. People with high blood pressure can do this asana but with proper supervision. Benefits : This pose helps make the arms, wrists and legs strong and helps strengthen and tighten the core.
The literal meaning of this asana is to stretch towards the east. This asana is great to strengthen your back and spine muscles. Steps: 1. Sit with the legs straight in front of you keeping the feet together and spine erect. 2. Place your palms next to the hips, fingertips facing the legs. 3. Keep the elbows straight, press your palms and lean back transferring the weights on your hands. 4. Inhale, lift the hips up, pressing your feet down with your toes pointing and pressing on the floor, keeping the knees straight. Look back with your chin going back. 5. Breath normally and stay as long as you can, exhale and come back to a seated pose, you can repeat the pose 2 or 3 times. Caution: People with wrist, neck or shoulder injuries should avoid this asana. Benefits: 1. Makes the wrists, arms, shoulders, back, and spine strong. 2. Stretches the lower limbs. 3. Helps improve the lungs function. 4. Stimulates the intestines and abdominal organs and thyroid glands.
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