6 Foods to Avoid if You Have Anxiety 

These food could worsen the condition

Sep 18, 2020
The immediate effect of alcohol may be calming. But as alcohol gets processed by your body, it can make you edgy. Suhasini cautions that alcohol can also interfere with your sleep.
They might give you a short burst of instant energy. But when the energy rush comes down, you will feel jittery and nervous. They will also prevent you from getting enough shut eye at night.

Processed foods like white bread, pasta, etc., should be avoided. “The highly processed white flour quickly turns to sugar in your blood stream after you eat it. That can cause energy spikes and crashes that can be bad for anxiety and depression,” says Suahsini.
These beverages often have loads of sugar or artificial sweeteners. “They can cause weird heart rhythms, anxiety, and sleep issues,” adds Suhasini.
“Without that fibre, you’re just drinking nutritious sugar-water that can quickly hype you up and bring you down just as fast,” says Suhasini. Fruit juices can leave you feeling hungry and angry at the same time. And this won't help anyone suffering from anxiety and depression.
Fried foods are difficult to digest and have little nutritional value. Besides adding to the girth around your waist, they can negatively affect your heart and mood. Deep frying is usually done in partial hydrogenated oil that increases the shelf-life of the food. Any food that is cooked with hydrogenated oils and contains trans fats can contribute to anxiety and depression. 
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