7 Lazy Hacks for a Flat Stomach

 If you hate ab crunches, listen up!

Jul 10, 2020
Switch off the night lamp. It’s not only your sleep that gets affected by exposure to light at night. According to a study in the American Journal of Epidemiology, people who sleep in dark rooms are 21% less likely to be obese than those sleeping in well-lit rooms.
Ditch the chewing gum. When you chew gum on an empty stomach, it fills your tummy with air and causes bloating. Many chewing gums also contain sugar or artificial sweeteners, like sorbitol and xylitol, which lead to bloating. Skip it!
Stock up on healthy snacks. Keep fruits and high fibre snacks handy. Ditch all the empty calories. Next time, when you get those hunger pangs, you wouldn’t have access to sugary foods or soda. Makes sense?
Keep the phone out of reach at night. We all love to scroll Instagram at night in bed…don’t we? But that may be the precise reason why you haven’t been able to shed that tummy bulge. As per the findings of several studies, losing a mere 30-minutes of sleep at night increases your risk of obesity by 17%.
Binge on leafy vegetables. They give you folate, which blocks the genes that trigger fat-cell formation. The best sources of folate, the flat-belly nutrient are lettuce and spinach.
Rearrange you pantry shelf. This is a trick that works. Whatever you don’t see, you don’t crave for. For instance, storing candies in opaque containers will bring down your sugar cravings significantly. Likewise, give prominent shelf space to healthier snacks.
Switch on the AC before you sleep. Surprised? But it works. According to a study published in the journal Diabetes, colder temperatures can attack belly fat. The body tries to stay warm by burning the fat stored in the tummy.
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